Yes! You can get Word for free in legal ways. Learn about them

Yes! You can get Word for free in legal ways. Learn about them.

It's well known that Microsoft Word isn't available for free, which is precisely why some people resort to illegal methods such as purchasing counterfeit installation discs or downloading the program for free online and using cracks. Despite all this, many people don't know that there are hidden ways to obtain this program for free and legally, which we'll share with you today.

1. Using Google Docs:

For those who don't know, Google has its own version of Word, available online for free. It offers almost everything you need, from tools to editing options. It's similar to Microsoft Word, but it's not a downloadable program; you use it online.

2: Using Word Mobile:

Microsoft offers a lightweight version of Word for free, which is a great alternative to Word Viewer. You can get it from the Microsoft Store and it has many great features.

3: Microsoft Office application:

The good thing about Microsoft is that it offers a free Microsoft Office app on Google Play. If you want to take advantage of it on your computer, try using an Android emulator on your computer, which remains a free option.

4: Using Office Online:

If you have an active internet connection, you can use the free Office Online instead in your browser. You can sign up for free and access documents from anywhere with 5 GB of free OneDrive storage.

Finally, these were the most important ways to access WordPress for free and legally.
