As Telegram reaches one billion monthly active users, Pavle Durov hails it as a "cheap imitation."
WhatsApp is without a doubt the most widely used messaging app at the moment. Surprisingly, many of the features that this meta app has been adding in recent months are carried over from other messaging apps, such as Telegram.
With a sizeable market share worldwide, Telegram is also very well-liked. Although it still lags behind WhatsApp's 2 billion active users, Telegram recently announced that it had reached 1 billion monthly active users, which should not come as a surprise.
In addition to announcing this accomplishment for his platform, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov also left a message for WhatsApp.
WhatsApp, a cheesy Telegram knockoff, comes before us. They spent billions of dollars on public relations and lobbying efforts to try to stop us from copying our innovations for years. However, they were unsuccessful. Telegram expanded, turned a profit, and, in contrast to our rival, remained independent.
It is a huge accomplishment to reach one billion monthly active users, which is 50 million more than the previous year. Additionally, he mentioned that the business made $547 million in profits the previous year.
But ever since Pavel Durov was arrested in France, Telegram has made an effort to become a more law-abiding platform.
Nonetheless, in some situations, Telegram provides IP addresses and other data that are crucial for investigations as part of its cooperation with different authorities.
Additionally, Telegram revealed that it now has a group of moderators tasked with spotting illegal activity on the network.