When support for Windows 10 ends, what happens to your license?

Microsoft will end official support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. This means that Windows 10 will say goodbye to any new updates unless something catastrophic happens that forces the American company to intervene. Does this mean that Windows 10 will stop working? No, don't worry, Windows 10 will continue to work even if it doesn't receive updates.
When the end of support date arrives, will the licenses that users have legally acquired still be valid? In this article, we explain everything you need to know about the future of Windows and the different options that will be available to you after its support ends.
- Windows 10 licenses will continue to work.
Yes, you can rest assured. Even though Microsoft will be pulling official updates, Windows 10 will continue to work on our computers without any problems. Licenses purchased legally will continue to work without any restrictions.
Microsoft won’t block any type of license, but the lack of security support is a potential flaw in the user experience. This type of problem can become especially dangerous if we use our computer to conduct any type of banking activity or work with personal identity data.
- Options after Windows 10 support ends
After it expires, every Windows 10 user will have to plan a roadmap for the near or distant future.
- Continue using Windows 10: This option will be the most suitable for our routine. Nothing prevents us from continuing to use it after October 2025, but be aware of the security vulnerabilities that you will suffer from. If you choose this option, at least try to get a good antivirus, tested by users, and forget about accessing pages from a questionable source.
- Moving to Windows 11: This may be the natural option for the future if you intend to stay within the Microsoft environment and protection. If you have an official license for Windows 10, you should be able to upgrade to Windows 11 for free from Windows Update. You will have to make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements to install the operating system and follow the steps provided by the installer. The advantage of this option is that you will continue to enjoy all Windows security updates.
- Switch to Linux: If you find Microsoft’s policy unsuitable for you, you always have the option of switching to Linux, the leading open-source operating system. If you’re concerned about compatibility with Windows software, there are distributions like Ubuntu or Mint.
In conclusion, the end of support does not mean the end of Windows licenses, but it is advisable to look for alternatives for the future of your computer.