What is SASE, and why is its speed and security superior to that of VPN?

What is SASE, and why is its speed and security superior to that of VPN?

Utilizing a virtual private network (VPN) is the most common method for enhancing your online privacy. However, there are alternative solutions available. In this article, we will explore SASE as well. We'll clarify the distinctions between these options and discuss whether it presents a viable alternative for bolstering security. Our aim is to ensure that you can surf the web effortlessly while enjoying robust protection.

In certain situations, securing additional protection while surfing the web is crucial. Whether you're using a public Wi-Fi connection, require remote access to a device, or just want to keep your IP address concealed, selecting a reliable application is vital for accomplishing this.

- What is SASE?

We can say that SASE stands for Secure Access Service Edge. This is a cloud-based solution. It combines WANs with different security solutions. All of this will be integrated into this cloud platform, with the aim of providing greater security in internet access.

This additional security is applied to any entry point within the network perimeter. Therefore, all users, across the cloud platform, will be able to benefit from these features and browse with greater protection. Essentially, traffic is routed through cloud platforms that have multiple security features.

These services also do not require a significant increase in latency, so the various operations within that SASE will be fast and efficient. These are not external services, with the resulting increased latency and potential performance issues.

It is primarily designed for businesses that need integrated cloud security and can be served to multiple users at the same time. It can be used across different applications or locations. It is highly scalable, so more devices and users can be added. It is very useful for a company that has employees working from different locations. If you need secure access, this is a good solution when using cloud resources.

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Alternatively, there is the option of using a VPN. It is a service that encrypts the connection. Everything goes through a kind of tunnel, so it remains hidden from potential hackers on the network. It is very useful for connecting to public networks, where there may be some risks.

In this case, VPNs are more geared towards individual users rather than businesses. Whether you need to hide your IP address, access geo-blocked services, or improve security when using public Wi-Fi, these are great solutions for everyday use.

Ultimately, SASE and VPN are two options that can be useful, in their own way, to improve security when browsing the Internet. The former will be more geared towards businesses and is the most secure and fast, while the latter can be used by any user.

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