Waze's full potential can be unlocked with these 18 hidden codes: A Google Maps Substitute

Waze's full potential can be unlocked with these 18 hidden codes: A Google Maps Substitute

If you are someone who spends hours behind the wheel, whether for work or pleasure, Waze has certainly become your best ally. Along with Google Maps, this application has established itself as one of the favorite applications for drivers thanks to its multiple functions and tools.

Not only does it guide you along the fastest and most efficient route, it also informs you of real-time traffic, warns you of accidents, speed cameras, and police checks. In addition, it suggests alternative routes to avoid traffic jams and lets you share your location with friends and family.

But what you may not know is that Waze hides some secrets that can make your browsing experience even better. These are a series of icons that you can easily activate from the app’s settings that unlock hidden functions or modify their behavior.

These secret codes are combinations of numbers and symbols that, when entered into the Waze destination finder, activate certain functions. Some of them are completely safe and can be very useful, while others should be used with caution as they may affect the normal functioning of the application.

Before explaining it, you may ask a question about how to use these Waze secret codes. 

The answer is that to enter a code, simply open the app, tap on the search icon, and type the code into the text field; it’s that easy and simple. It’s worth noting that some of these features will require a restart of the app, while others will be activated immediately.

Operational symbols

 morph@: Change your avatar to a Waze monster.

 cctts@: Clears the cache for the Text-to-Speech (TTS) service. Use this if you are having problems with the Waze voice service.

dbg@tts: enables or disables TTS debugging.

tts@: Enable or disable TTS functionality completely.

asr@: To activate or deactivate the Voice Recognition (ASR) service.

 username@: Displays your Waze username on the screen.

 eng@: To change the application language to English.

 restorefav@: To restore and re-download your favorite collection from Waze servers.

 coordinates: This symbol shows or hides the current GPS coordinates.

 rawgps@: Turn current GPS position on or off 

 traffic@: To activate or deactivate traffic information on the current route.

Correction symbols

Finally, we have debug codes, which are typically used to fix bugs in Waze.

 resetapp@: To reset Waze to factory state, as if we just installed it for the first time.

2##2: Enable or disable debug logging.

 @debuglang: Changes translated texts to "OK." This debug code is used to verify Waze translations.

 usa@: To change Waze's infrastructure and use US infrastructure.

 other@: To change the Waze infrastructure and use the infrastructure used in the rest of the world.

These are the secret codes you can find in Waze, each of which performs a specific function. We recommend that you explore and try them out to discover all the possibilities that this navigation app offers.

It should be noted that they may have unexpected or even harmful effects on the operation of the platform. Therefore, we advise you to use codes with caution and only activate those codes whose functions you understand and need.

Waze app

Many users worldwide are impacted by odd issues with the Waze maps app
