Use the Secret Library to get any book you want for free.
It is no secret that Telegram is a platform that offers a wide range of content, including free movies, online sports streaming, music downloads, and much more. Nonetheless, downloading free books is among the most popular uses of Telegram.
There are many bots, groups, and channels dedicated to this purpose, although one of them is probably the most famous: Secret Library. However, this bot is constantly being taken down, so catching it can be difficult. However, fortunately, we have found a permanent solution to this problem. We will tell you how to access the Secret Library Telegram bot permanently.
As we just mentioned, the Secret Library bot is constantly changing its username within Telegram. The reason? Simple: they delete their personal accounts due to the accumulating complaints about the content they help distribute (free book downloads).
This is likely to increase as Telegram tightens its grip on illegal content following the recent arrest of its CEO, Pavel Durov. However, the bot’s developers are constantly reintroducing it with new profiles and will continue to do so.
Go to the official website of the Secret Library
Save the link to your bookmarks.
- Click on the robot you want; there are three:
Secret Library: Standard robot containing books in Spanish.
Secret Library (CAT): The robot that contains books in Catalan.
E-book download bot: The bot that contains books in English.
Click again on the option you chose to go directly to Telegram. You can also copy the user and search for him directly in the app.
Use the bot as you always do to remove any book.
The great thing about this trick is that you will always find the updated link to the bot, so you won’t have to search everywhere for it. You can also see that the page tells you when it was last updated, so you don’t have any doubts.