This website provides open-source substitutes for well-known and widely used software
Open source software is software whose developers release their source code to the public and programmers in particular for further development. You can use the source code for any purpose. There are many great open source programs available for download and developed by talented programmers, but they have not gained the wide fame they deserve, as they may be better and safer than famous software and are often completely free. Therefore, in this post, we will learn about a site that helps you find the best open source alternatives to the popular software we use.
OpenSource Builders is linked to the most popular developer site, GitHub, and provides the best open source alternatives to the popular programs we use. Enter the site from the link below the post, and on the main interface you will find a group of popular programs and their alternatives. The site provides 6 alternatives to the Shopify platform with their links and Github community votes on them. It also provides alternatives to various popular programs such as Facebook, YouTube, management programs, and others. You can also search for the program you want.
In the side menu, you can sort the alternatives by category (as in the previous image), type of license granted by the developer, or programming language used.
If you do not find a suitable alternative, you can submit a request to add new tools that are not available on the site from the Requests section. You will also find a group of programs that you can vote on.
OpenSource Builders