There are five things you should never include on your resume and five things you should always include
Our studies, knowledge, and previous experience are essential elements when finding a new job. But we must not forget that our cover letter is the CV that we send to different companies, and it is a document that we must take special care of.
Regardless of all the studies we have completed or our experience in previous jobs, the truth is that this document, the CV, is all that the companies we want to reach have. Basically, what we want to tell you is that we should not take the design and development of this element lightly, as happens on many occasions.
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It is better to take more time and carefully review all the data that we will present in the CV, because at first it is the only thing that companies will see. There are many studies and opinions on what a CV should look like that serves as a cover letter for a new job. The type of work we are going to access or the data we have available to include in the document also plays a role here.
The basic elements of any CV
It is important to know how to deal with all this to design the best CV and make it more attractive to companies. Therefore, below we will talk about some elements that should be present in the CV. At the same time, we will show you some information and data that we should try to remove at all costs from any self-respecting CV.
Time you worked in other companies: It is important to add the months or years we maintained our work in the companies we were in in the past.
- Include keywords: When writing this document, it is important to include a series of terms that define our professional past and present and for the employer to take this into consideration.
Most relevant to the topic above: At the top of the CV, we should list both the studies and the professional experience that we consider relevant. This way, the employer will see what we want to highlight from the first moment.
Your contact information is clearly visible. Likewise, we must also make clear the easiest way for the company we want to work for to contact us. Whether by email, phone, or any other means.
Details of interest from previous positions: If we have previous professional experience, it is important to reflect our work and responsibilities that have developed in the past.
Information you should never include on your resume.
In parallel, there is a series of information or data that we must omit when writing this important document to find a job. A resume can be rejected because of small details that we do not even think about.
- Avoid some personal data: In the CV we must avoid some information such as religion, political ideals, or physical fitness.
Surname is not necessary: Many job seekers add their personal surname along with their first and last name, which is not necessary at all.
- Do not include your photo: Many CV design experts comment that it is preferable not to add a photo, as this may be a cause of discrimination.
- Avoid grammatical and spelling errors: It seems obvious, but when designing this document and if we have doubts about its grammar and spelling, someone should review it. A resume with these flaws is likely to be rejected immediately.
It is not necessary to include salary history. It is true that the employer wants to know where we worked in the past, but it is not recommended to include the salaries we received.
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