Find the top 5 free programs that will make using a computer much more enjoyable. You should try them.

You are in the right place if you enjoy trying out new and helpful programs, especially if they are free. In this new topic, we will talk about some little-known and free programs that will be very helpful to you in your day-to-day computer use. The most important thing is that these programs are free of malware and advertisements, and the majority of them are very small tools.
This program is free, open source, and lightweight, and its role is to convert file formats on Windows, but in a simple and flexible way. Once you install it, to convert the format of any file, all you have to do is right-click on it, and you will find that the File Converter option has been added, which will show you all the formats that you can convert your file to. The program also enables you to convert more than one file format at once.
If you like to switch between night mode and normal mode, this program will make it easy for you as it will provide you with a small icon in the taskbar or will enable you to set a shortcut on the keyboard instead of searching in the settings every time and disabling or enabling the dark mode. Note that the dark mode is not good during the day, meaning that you should disable it in the morning instead of using it permanently.
Gmail has an Android application, but it does not have a program on Windows, but this program replaces it as it will enable you to run all your accounts in an elegant way, and provides you with some additional features such as writing texts and notes and assigning a high or low priority to each sender so that whoever you assign a high priority to, his messages appear at the top.
This free program is dedicated to game lovers, as it will enable you to overclock your external graphics card to get the maximum possible performance, which will make games run better on your computer. In addition, the program enables you to monitor the performance of the graphics card, and it has a fantastic, elegant, and easy-to-use interface.
This program or tool is one of the best tools that you should have on your computer, as it uses artificial intelligence technology to be able to enlarge small images and make them clearer, as in less than 30 seconds it restores the details of the image and returns it to you in a larger size, either twice or four times, according to your choice.