Everyone can use AI to create images with Paint

Microsoft is still in the fight. Updating its entire ecosystem includes adding features and tweaking each of its programs, and this time, it’s the turn of the classic Paint program. So let’s see what Microsoft can come up with this time.
The American company has introduced a major new feature to the software: the generative scanning function, powered by artificial intelligence.
This new feature, which, as we said, comes from artificial intelligence, is able to remove certain elements in any image and fill the remaining space with content based on everything that was around the said figure or character. Artificial intelligence is able to take on advanced interpretation functions that make it capable of carrying out such innovative tasks.
Another way to look at it is as if the paint program had the ability to imagine what should be behind the object, shape, or body we left and automatically recreate what was behind it.
To use this new feature, simply open the image you want in the app and tap on the selection tool. This way, you can select the area or element you want to delete. Finally, you will see two new little icons appear below the selected area, corresponding to the generative scanning function. All you have to do is tap on one of them, and the AI tool will do its magic.
Although it is an extraordinarily useful tool, which can save us a lot of time working on our designs, it is not available in all versions of Windows, since to enjoy this new functionality it is necessary to have Windows 11, the latest updated version of Paint, and an Internet connection since AI processing requires a permanent connection to cloud servers.
With this update, Microsoft aims to start competing with other more popular editing programs, since the functions that could be considered premium in other applications, we now have in the palm of our hands in Paint.