Every month, you should install this crucial update on your phone. Many people ignore it

Every month, you should install this crucial update on your phone. Many people ignore it

We never stop recommending that you update your phone whenever you find a new version available, and for a reason. Although many people only bother to update their operating system when a new version of Android arrives because it includes many important improvements and new features, there are other updates that are just as relevant or more relevant than these updates and that many people do not notice. We are talking about the security patches available for Android phones, which many phones also receive every month.

Even if you take strict precautions not to install apps you shouldn’t, your phone could be at risk if you don’t update it for a long time. That’s why old cell phones become obsolete and become ideal targets for cybercriminals.

What are Android security patches?

Android security patches are those that keep your mobile phone free from bugs, loopholes, and safe from attacks, threats, and security flaws that can put you at risk. They do this by resolving the vulnerabilities that have been discovered to prevent any threat from attacking your phone by taking advantage of it. In doing so, they protect you from risks like someone accessing your data, stealing your money, or attacking you in other ways by exploiting a security vulnerability in your mobile phone. Therefore, it is important to update your smartphone every time a new security patch is released.

Different brands, like Google or Samsung, can release monthly security patches to their top phones every month. Each one of them fixes software vulnerabilities that were discovered in previous versions. They can also be patches for apps, operating systems, etc. Of course, we must also distinguish between patches and security updates, because while the former is a solution to a specific problem, the latter is a more complete improvement with many changes and bug fixes. Both are essential for the greater security of your device, and sometimes they are called by the same name.

Month after month, Google releases monthly security bulletins in which it points out the vulnerabilities discovered and presents its updates with patches. Other brands can do the same with their own bug fixes, adding these improvements to their improvements so that you can keep your device up to date and more secure. Although we frequently notify you when there are new patches for different devices, when they reach your mobile, you will receive a notification, or you will see it in the settings section where the mobile is updated, which will depend on the specific model you have.

Phone manufacturers promise a certain number of years of Android updates on their top phones, and they also offer security updates on all phones. The years they offer depend on the model, with high-end models getting the most updates and entry-level versions getting the least updates. There are even brands that don’t promise any updates on their budget phones.
