A hidden folder on your computer that few people are aware of performs a crucial function that you should be aware of

A hidden folder on your computer that few people are aware of performs a crucial function that you should be aware of

When installing certain programs, a number of options typically show up. Occasionally, we can choose an option that will launch the program when Windows boots up, which can be helpful in certain situations. Now, this option is not always available. But that’s okay; it can be done regardless of the program.

First and foremost, it is not a good idea to have a lot of apps launch automatically when Windows 10 boots up. This could cause the system to take a few more seconds to boot up and create a delay in the initial few seconds.

If our computer has an SSD, it will not take long to start the program when Windows starts compared to an HDD. SSD drives have much higher read and write rates than HDDs, so the impact when starting many applications will be less.

Running files or programs automatically when Windows starts is very easy; it only takes a few seconds. You just have to access a secret folder where you will put everything you want to open on your computer once you start it without clicking on it. These are the steps to follow:

- Press Windows + R keys.

- After that you have to type Shell:startup

- After that you will see that folder will open, and all you have to do is simply drag the files and shortcuts of those programs that you want to run automatically when Windows 10 starts.

- Finally, restart your computer.

If you want to do the opposite, all you have to do is remove the shortcut from the folder that opens when you run the shell:startup command. 

As you can see, making the program run automatically when you turn on your computer is very easy. 

It is not recommended to start many programs automatically, especially if your computer does not have a lot of RAM and SSD storage. It consumes some resources and time, which affects the performance of your computer.
