This free application makes it simple to display internet speed next to the clock.

Real-time monitoring of Internet usage speed is crucial for a number of reasons, chief among them being the detection of background Internet withdrawals by programs, which impact the limited package in the majority of Arab nations. Additionally, an icon that displays the speed of usage in real time would be beneficial because the Internet is erratic. This icon is present in Android and can be displayed from the Internet options easily, but this feature is not present in Windows, so we will use an external program to perform this function.
TrafficMonitor is a small, portable, open source, and totally free program. It performs many functions, including displaying the network speed accurately in real time in the taskbar next to the clock. Download the program from the link below the post, and immediately after running it, a floating window will appear showing the network activity. Hide it by right-clicking on the TrafficMonitor icon and then disabling "Show Main Window." To install the indicator on the taskbar, activate the "Show Taskbar Windows" option from the same menu.
The speedometer now appears on the taskbar, which shows the upload and download speed. The program provides many customization options to adjust the speed indicator from the "Options" option from the menu, then go to the "Taskbar Window Settings" section, where you can make the indicator display the download or upload speed only, or both together, with the ability to change the position of the indicator on the bar at the bottom, or change the color of the text, and change the unit of speed measurement so that it displays it in kilobits or megabits only, and other modifications.
The program specializes in tracking resource activity through a floating window on the screen, such as the processor, RAM, graphics card, and hard drive, and knowing the device temperature. There is a lightened version of the program "Lite" for devices with very limited capabilities.