Learn the difference between the types of headphones, their disadvantages, and which one you should buy!
One of the most prominent issues we face is the issue of purchasing headphones, as we often prefer simple headphones that are placed in the ear. Since the latter may be more efficient than other types of headphones, we will talk in this post about the most prominent features of each type of headphones, so that in the end you have the freedom to purchase any one of them, with complete conviction.
Sound quality is the number one criterion that you should look at when thinking about a new pair of headphones. After that, comfort and fit on the ear follow.
There are three types of headphones, the most prominent of which are:
in-ear headphones:
Earbuds, more commonly known as in-ear, are the most popular for listening to audio on the go. They’re cheap and portable, and your smartphone probably came with a pair. Plus, they tend to be the least consistently rated of the three.
On-ear headphones (which rest flat on the ear cartilage):
No matter which type you decide to use, we highly recommend that you read plenty of reliable online reviews before purchasing one of these headphones.
Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better quality. That’s why over-ear headphones aren’t as easy to carry around as they are to have around your neck when not in use. Their larger size also makes them more likely to break in your bag.Over-ear headphones (which surround the entire ear)
Over-ear headphones, as the name suggests, cover the entire ear. This makes them the most comfortable option. They don’t stretch or crush your ear canals, and they’re the best option for extended listening.
There are pros and cons to each style of headphone, so let us help you decide which is best for you.
- in-ear : In-ear headphones are portable, cheap, and convenient at the expense of comfort and sound quality.
- on-ear : On-ear headphones straddle the line between portability and comfort, offering larger designs for better sound quality, at a reasonable cost.
- over-ear : Over-ear headphones often offer the best sound and most comfortable designs, but their bulkiness makes them less suitable for outdoor use.