If you have a landline at home, it is advisable to use it or you should get rid of it immediately
The advent of technology has radically changed people’s lifestyles, as today there are tools that automate tasks, saving time and increasing productivity. For example, mobile phones facilitate communication and access to various online services, such as streaming platforms, information sources, etc.
Although these devices make it easier to send messages to interact with others, phone calls remain popular, with many preferring them to allow for more direct and personal interaction. During a call, it is possible to perceive the other person’s emotions and tone of voice, which enhances communication and understanding better than written messages, which can be misinterpreted.
Additionally, in situations that require quick responses or clarification of doubts, phone calls are usually more efficient, as they allow for a smooth conversation and immediate resolution of problems, while responses to messages may take some time.
In this sense, mobile phones facilitate communication by allowing you to receive calls from anywhere, regardless of distance. However, some people still prefer to maintain traditional methods, such as the landline, which is kept in many homes for various reasons.
Landlines do not rely on cellular network coverage, making them more reliable, especially in rural areas or where cellular signal is weak. Additionally, they are usually more resistant to signal dropouts or network outages.
On the other hand, some people choose to keep their landline because of the cheap prices or family packages that include landline, internet and TV. Sometimes these packages are cheaper than a mobile phone service with unlimited calls.
However, in today’s digital age, marked by an increase in cybercrime, having these devices in homes can also pose a risk, as it increases the likelihood of falling victim to fraud. How do cybercriminals act and what strategies do they use?
According to international media, scammers have found landlines to be a fertile ground for their crimes. In an interview with Diego León Casas, CEO of Flameera, it was emphasized that calls from landlines usually inspire trust, as they are commonly used by businesses and are associated with official communications. This facilitates the social engineering tactics used by cybercriminals.
The main target of these scammers are the elderly, such as grandparents or parents, who still rely on this means of communication and are not familiar with new technologies, making them more vulnerable to scams.
Some of the most common types of scams include fake technicians, fake awards, and impersonating a family member. Additionally, criminals use more advanced techniques, such as caller ID spoofing, which allows a caller’s number to be spoofed to make it appear legitimate.
An effective measure to protect yourself would be to remove these fixed devices from your home, in order to prevent family members from getting involved in serious scams. If this is not possible, it is ideal to take precautions, such as avoiding providing personal information through this medium without first checking whether the communication is legitimate.