Do it for just 10 minutes a day and it will make you smarter The secret that Steve Jobs left for everyone to succeed in your life

Do it for just 10 minutes a day and it will make you smarter The secret that Steve Jobs left for everyone to succeed in your life

Steve Jobs's technique can not only help you solve problems, but it will also connect you to a more natural and efficient way of working and thinking. Applying Steve Jobs' 10-minute rule to your daily life does not require a lot of effort or resources.

Steve Jobs is considered one of the most influential visionaries in the world of technology, thanks to innovations such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. But his legacy extends beyond the hardware, and also to the lessons he left behind for his closest employees.

In addition to being a creative genius, Jobs was also a mentor who encouraged his team to do their best, and to do so he had a simple yet powerful rule that is now supported and proven by science.

Steve Jobs's rule: Walk to think better.

When faced with important corporate decisions or complex personal challenges, Jobs had an unusual but highly effective habit: taking long walks.

 According to those who knew him, such as his biographer Walter Isaacson, Jobs used these walks not only as a means of relaxation, but also as his preferred method of problem-solving.

For him, walking helped him organize his thoughts, make better decisions, and even become smarter. What may have seemed at the time to be just another Steve Jobs quirk has been supported over time by scientific studies confirming the cognitive benefits of walking.

Today we know that this simple habit has a solid foundation in neuroscience and that its impact on our ability to think and create is deeper than it seems.

When you walk, you're not only moving your body, you're also activating your mind. Neuroscience shows that this physical movement creates positive changes in your brain.

Walking stimulates blood circulation, which improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, enhancing its functioning. This translates into a greater ability to generate ideas, make decisions, and find solutions to complex problems.

Benefits of walking for your mind

- Greater creativity : Walking encourages the emergence of new ideas and innovative connections. This is why it is especially useful when you are faced with problems that require unusual solutions.

- Improve problem-solving skills : By changing your environment and moving physically, you help your mind break rigid thought patterns and find alternative paths.

- Reduces stress : Walking reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, allowing you to think more clearly.

- Increases concentration : After walking, your mind returns to work with greater focus and energy, which helps you be more productive.

- Ideal state of mind : Walking combines a state of alertness and constant movement, which prevents you from becoming obsessed with one idea, making it easier for you to find solutions from different angles. 

- How does Steve Jobs' 10-minute rule work?

The rule that Steve Jobs applied is simple: if you have been trying to solve a problem for more than 10 minutes and are not succeeding, get up and walk around. You don’t have to walk long distances; just move around your environment, disconnect from the screen and let your mind flow as you walk.

Not only did Jobs have a brilliant intuition for creating technological products, he also had an understanding of how our minds work. So the next time you’re faced with a challenge, do what he did: get up, get moving, and let your mind work its magic.
