With this great trick you can change the size of the taskbar in Windows 11

Windows 11 has been the best operating system so far, and we can say that Microsoft has done a great job on its elements, perhaps the most noticeable of which is: the taskbar. Despite everything, you may want to change the size of the latter either because it looks smaller on your screen or because you want to customize the taskbar.
Unfortunately, Microsoft has not integrated a clear option that helps us in controlling the taskbar, and although the ability to customize the taskbar may be added in upcoming updates, we can say that the only method currently available is to use the registry.
We have seen a lot of posts about Windows 11 in which we use registry changes ranging from bypassing installation requirements, to customizing some functions, and because any error in the registry file may affect the system, I advise you to make a backup copy of it before anything else.
First, you must open the Registry Editor by pressing the Win key + the letter S on the keyboard and you will search for “regedit”, and you will click on the execution as soon as it appears in the results, then go to the following path:
In a later stage, you will right-click on an empty space inside the Advanced file, and from “New” you will choose “DWORD (32-bit) Value”.
Once you create the new value, you will give it a name: TaskbarSi.
You will double-click on the new value, and in the Value Data field you will put one of the three numbers:
0 Make the taskbar small.
1 Make the taskbar medium sized.
2 Make the taskbar larger.
After you finish, you will exit the registry and restart your computer. If the method is successful, you will notice that the taskbar has changed in size, however, you may notice that if you enlarge the taskbar, some of the icons are not of high quality.
Meanwhile, if you want to save time, instead of modifying the registry, you can download a compressed file containing 3 taskbar styles in Reg format and you can click on the appropriate style and then OK to modify the registry automatically, and you will need to restart the computer in order to apply the changes.
- Download link: Change Taskbar Size