Windows 11 Modification Programs for Installation on Unsupported Devices

Windows 11 Modification Programs for Installation on Unsupported Devices

With the launch of Windows 11 in June 2021, users were faced with Microsoft's decision to set "harsh" operating requirements to install its new system, such as the need for a modern processor that supports the POPCNT feature,  the motherboard supporting the Secure Boot feature and the TPM chip together, in addition to the requirement of having at least 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage capacity. 

That's not all, as in modern versions of the system, the user is now required to install Windows 11 on a device connected to the Internet to log in to a Microsoft account , meaning that without that, the installation will not be complete. But all of this can be bypassed in more than one way, as we explained  to install Windows 11 on unsupported devices . 

However, the matter has become much easier, so instead of following seemingly complicated steps, you can use one of the programs mentioned below to quickly modify the Windows 11 version .

Install Windows 11

Rufus program

Surely everyone knows about the famous and free Rufus program, as it is the best for burning copies of Windows , and even Linux distributions, to a USB flash memory and making them bootable. The program is widely used and receives new updates constantly, and modifying the ISO file is among its useful features for owners of devices that do not meet the requirements for running Windows 11, as it enables you to bypass the strict operating requirements set by Microsoft with ease.

All you have to do is run the program and select the flash drive you want to burn the copy to, then press the "SELECT" button next to the "Boot selection" menu and select the ISO file for the Windows copy from your device, then press Open. After that is done, press the "START" button at the bottom, but before you start the burning process for the copy to the flash drive, a "Windows User Experience" pop-up window will appear to customize the installation process of the copy, which contains some options such as bypassing the requirement of the Secure Boot feature and the TPM chip, as well as the requirement of 4 GB RAM.

You can also choose to remove the Internet connection requirement to sign in to your Microsoft account, and you can even specify a username for the program to create a local account during Windows installation. In general, you have 6 options to customize your copy of Windows, and once you click OK, the modified copy is burned to the flash drive immediately so that you can continue with the normal Windows installation steps and you will not see any messages indicating that your device is not supported.

Flyby11 program

A new program designed specifically to facilitate the process of upgrading to Windows 11 on devices that use old versions of Windows, even if they do not meet the operating requirements, without going through complicated steps, but rather the whole thing is done in a few clicks. Flyby11 is a completely free and open source program, and does not require installation. You can run it directly after downloading and then choose the method you want to use to bypass Microsoft restrictions.

The program provides more than one method, the first one works to make Windows believe that the current version is based on the Windows Server system and thus bypasses the checks that are performed before installing Windows 11 on regular versions. While the second method allows you to bypass upgrade restrictions by making changes to the registry. However, we prefer to choose the first method as it is safer and ensures a stable upgrade process.

Flyby11 automates the download and assembly of the ISO file so you don’t have to manually modify anything. You can download the Windows 11 installation file from Microsoft’s website yourself or let the tool handle it using the built-in Fido software. In general, select the option you want to use and click the “Mount an Run ISO” button if you already have an ISO file for the new version of Windows 11. If not, click “Start” to download the ISO file for the latest version of Windows 11 and upgrade your device to it without deleting any files.

Windows11Upgrade Program

As the name suggests, Windows11Upgrade can download or upgrade your device to Windows 11, but the best thing about it is that it ignores the operating requirements, allowing you to install the system even if your device does not meet Microsoft's minimum requirements. The program is portable and does not require installation, so all you have to do is download it and run it to show you a window with two options. You can either select the ISO file of the version that is already on your device, or download the file from the Internet via Microsoft's official servers.

If you choose the second option, you will be asked to select the language of the Windows 11 version you want to download. The program will then provide you with three installation options. You can choose to upgrade to install the version while preserving the programs and files, update and save only the files, or perform a clean installation of Windows 11, which means deleting everything from the C partition to start over. Finally, click on "Install System" and wait for the installation to begin.

In short, Windows11Upgrade provides a quick way to upgrade almost any device to Windows 11. Simply run the program and select the appropriate options to install Windows 11 on your device.

Tiny11 Builder

Basically, Tiny11 Builder is not just a program to modify a copy of Windows 11 just to bypass the operating requirements, but it does something worse! It modifies the copy to strip it of any unnecessary elements and keeps only the files required to make Windows 11 work on any computer regardless of its specifications, even if the RAM is 1 GB and the storage capacity is 15 GB. 

Accordingly, the size of the ISO file becomes much smaller, barely exceeding 4 GB, while the file size of the original copy reaches about 6 GB. Thus, the program creates a lighter version of Windows that is suitable for working on any computer and at the same time performs its normal work in running programs and games and obtaining periodic updates from Microsoft.

Download the program
