Update Facebook Messenger now Launching many new features that you will like

Update Facebook Messenger now Launching many new features that you will like

Facebook Messenger video calling is one of the most used features. According to the company, people spend more than 7 billion minutes calling on Facebook and Messenger every day. And now they’ve just launched new features, and even more.

This is mainly because Facebook Messenger will soon feature AI-generated backgrounds to enhance and personalize the video calling experience. Add to that the arrival of HD video calls and various improvements and the video calling functionality in Facebook Messenger is now more complete than ever. But let's see everything this update brings in detail.

For example, in September they updated the app with new ways to customize chat themes using unique images generated by Meta AI’s AI. And soon, you’ll be able to use AI-generated backgrounds in Facebook Messenger video calls to give them a unique touch.

But there are some new things coming. For example, the company announced in the press release that it will be bringing high-definition video calling, background noise suppression, and voice isolation so you can make clearer, higher-quality calls directly from Messenger.

To enjoy HD calls, please note that by default it will only work in WiFi mode. Therefore, to make it work in data mode as well, you need to go to call settings and activate "Mobile data for HD video".

Additionally, Facebook Messenger calls will now have a new interface that makes them look more like a regular call, including new features like the ability to leave voice or video messages when your friends can’t answer. To do this, there’s a new button called Record Message that will let you leave a voice message for your contacts.

Regarding the launch of all these new features, in principle, they should already be available, so you will only have to update the application to enjoy the new features coming to Facebook Messenger video calls.
