Find out if someone is accessing your social media accounts with these tricks

Find out if someone is accessing your social media accounts with these tricks

Having intruders on your social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram, is a big problem. We will talk to you about some of the options you have to explore if this happens. The goal is to avoid risks and be able to act as quickly as possible, in order to maintain your security and privacy at all times. They can impersonate you or access private messages.

Keep in mind that hackers can use different methods to break into a social network. For example, using phishing to steal passwords, infiltrating keyloggers, Trojans, etc. Anyone can also try and guess your password, if you use a weak key.

- Detect social media hackers

Acting as soon as possible will be essential so that the problem does not get worse. If you spot it, you can reverse the situation and prevent it from accessing more personal data or contacting friends or family as if it were you.

- See recent activity

The first thing you can do is check the recent activity. Many social networks, such as Facebook, provide this information. It is very useful to know if someone has managed to get in, because it shows you the recent activity and thus analyzes what could be happening and whether you should really worry or not.

In the case of Facebook, for example, you can see your search history, story activity, where you logged in, etc. All of this will help you get clear information to determine if someone has used your account without your permission.

- Check received and sent messages

A very simple thing to do is to go to your messages. You can see what you have sent from your account, as well as what has been sent to you. For example, you can see if messages marked as read appear when you haven't actually opened them. This could indicate that someone has accessed your account without your permission.

As for the sent messages, you will also know how to easily identify whether they match the messages you sent or not. Of course, be careful because they may be deleted and not all of them will always appear.

- Monitor changes

By this we mean changes to your profile picture, comments on your wall, if you start following a strange account, if posts you made at some point disappear, etc. Any change you can recognize in your account that effectively alerts you that someone has gotten in.

Any slight change you see, something that makes you suspicious, you should check if there are really intruders or not and act quickly.

- Be aware of security alerts.

In many cases, social networks themselves can send you a warning message. It could be an email, for example. There they will tell you that there have been some suspicious accesses to your account. It could be a false alarm, but it could also be a real problem and you should take action.

So, if you see that you are receiving a security alert to access your account, check it carefully. Keep this in mind, as it can prevent major problems from occurring.

Spam, fake SMS, and the use of unofficial apps can all lead to your accounts being hacked without permission. Preventing this from happening will be essential.
