A site to search most search engines and sites from one place and with the click of a button

We conduct dozens of searches on different sites every day in order to facilitate access to what we want. Searching is one of the most frequently performed tasks on the Internet, and most of it is done on Google, but there are many additional platforms such as YouTube, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Yahoo, Yandex, Wikipedia, Amazon and many others that you may need to search in, which may take a lot of time to navigate between them. To avoid this, we will learn about a great site to search all of these sites with the click of a button.
Resulttree offers a free service that allows you to search more than one site at once and from one place. Visit Resulttree from the link below the post, then type the search word in the designated field, then click on the site button you want to search from to display the results in a separate tab.
From the Open All button you can open all search results for all sites at once.
Note: The browser will prevent more than one tab from opening at once. To solve this problem, click on the small window in the address bar “Pop-up blocked”, then select Always allow pop-ups, then click on the Done button.
Show More option allows you to view more search engines supported by the site.
The site supports many search engines such as Google, YouTube, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Yahoo, Yandex, Wikipedia, Amazon, Instagram, Reddit, Internet Archive, Baidu, LinkedIn, and others, and thus it will save you a lot of time in the search process on more than one platform.