The difference between Wi-Fi encryption types Wep, Wpa, Wpa-2, Wpa-3 and what to choose?

The difference between Wi-Fi encryption types Wep, Wpa, Wpa-2, Wpa-3 and what to choose?

Explaining the difference between the types of Wi-Fi protection Wep Wpa Wpa 2 Wpa 3

Now that you are browsing the Internet at this moment, you are either using the cellular data on your phone or using the Wi-Fi technology found in any router used in homes these days. Most likely, since you are browsing this particular article, you are using the latter type to connect to the Internet because the following  types of encryption Wep, Wap, Wap-2, Wap-3 are only used to encrypt Wi-Fi networks. Of course, you have entered this topic to know the difference between them and which one is the most suitable for you to choose and why? God willing, we will not disappoint you and you will come out of this topic knowing everything you want to know. So follow along with me 

First: WEP encryption level

First of all, we have to know that WEP is an abbreviation for Wired Equivalent Privacy, and you should also know that its meaning in English or Arabic will not help you much, and in any case, it means wired equivalent privacy. You did not understand anything, did you! Well, you should only know that this type of encryption is the simplest type of encryption and the first type that was used to protect and encrypt Wi-Fi networks, and this has been since September 1999. Although this encryption is the simplest and easiest level of encryption to hack at all, it is also the most common, and this is because it is the default encryption that comes with routers.

WEP encryption level

 When a user wants to choose a type of encryption, he chooses this type because it is usually the first choice in front of him. This is of course a result of his lack of awareness and understanding because he does not know that this encryption is very weak and any hacker can hack the Wi-Fi network through it easily. Now you should know that WEP encryption is the first type of encryption as well as the simplest and easiest to hack. It was followed by more complex and secure encryption levels. Make sure that it is the option available in your router and the first step to protect your network is to change this encryption, of course. Now let's take a look at the reasons that made WEP the weakest encryption.

Why is WEP encryption weak?

  1.  The first reason is that router manufacturers want to provide ease for users when using routers and not hinder them through complex encryption levels. 
  2.  The second reason is the weakness of hacking operations and hackers at this time when creating WEP encryption. 
  3. The third reason is the global restrictions after World War II, which affected encryption and set the maximum number that the encryption key can reach, which is 64 bits, i.e. 64 letters or numbers. 
  4.  With the increase in the efficiency of devices and hacking tools, as well as the development of hackers, it has become easy for them to hack this encryption in minutes. Despite attempts to close the loopholes in this system, it is still fragile in the face of the development of hacking. Therefore, everyone went to search for development. Therefore, let us take a new look at WAP encryption.

 Second: WPA encryption level

It is very logical to search for an alternative to WEP, and this alternative appeared and was approved in 2003, which is the WPA encryption system, which is an abbreviation for Wi-Fi Protected Access, which means protected entry to the Wi-Fi network. Perhaps the most important features of this encryption and the developments that occurred in it over the previous encryption is the increase in the length of the encryption key and its arrival at 256 bits, which means more difficulty in guessing and hacking it, and even if it is hacked.

it will need more time and higher capabilities that were not available in abundance at this time, in addition to the presence of a Checksum message that ensures that the information being transmitted over the network has reached the specified users without being stolen or changed by any hacker who was able to interfere in the data path 

WPA encryption level in Wi-Fi

Over time, the Encrypted Key was developed, the first of which was PSK, which was an abbreviation for Pre-Shared Key and used a 256-bit encryption key. The encryption name is WPA-PSK, which is a combination of the encryption type and the key used. There was also WPA-TKIP, which stands for Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, which uses a variable and non-fixed encryption key to make it more difficult to hack. In the end.

the famous type AES, an abbreviation for Advanced Encryption Standard, was used, which is the most advanced of all the above, but it was used very little. However, over time, hackers proved that they were able to overcome this encryption and discover loopholes in it, even if it took a long time to hack it, but hacking it remains possible in the end with some patience and intelligence. Therefore, it was necessary to develop a new type of encryption. 

Third: WPA-2 encryption level 

WPA2 encryption level in Wi-Fi

After WEP and WPA encryption, which proved to be easy to hack, a new encryption system, WPA-2, was replaced by the previous encryption system, WPA, in 2006. This was the beginning of the use of the advanced encryption system, AES, on a wider scale than before, of course. This new type came to fill many gaps in the previous systems with the help of the AES encryption key.

hack wifi encryption

The main reason for the difficulty of hacking this encryption, which may take up to 14 continuous hours, is that the hacker must hack the computer of one of the victims on the network first before entering the network. Of course, this will take a lot of effort and capabilities, in addition to time. Although this type has been dominant in encryption since 2006 until now and many trust it, some loopholes have appeared in it, which led to the emergence of the latest type so far, which appeared a few days ago, which is WPA-3 encryption.

Fourth: WPA-3 encryption level

The main reason for issuing this type of encryption is the Krack vulnerability, which was discovered by a Belgian security researcher, so it was necessary to launch a new version to close this vulnerability and many other simple vulnerabilities. 

Perhaps one of the most prominent new features that appeared with this type is the high protection against brute-force attacks or guessing attacks, which are attempts to guess the encryption key or password carried out by the hacker using advanced tools, but these attacks were overcome through this encryption because it disconnects the victim device from the network in the event that the password is entered incorrectly more than once for the same device. 

This encryption will also use the CNSA algorithm and encrypt the connection between the router and each device on the network separately. Of course, this encryption has not reached everyone yet and not all devices support it now, but you may have to update the router's firmware to the latest version or buy a new router to support this encryption

How to choose the appropriate encryption type and the steps you need to take in the router settings 

First, you have to connect to the router and then find out the IP Address of the router, which is usually or, or you can find out by typing the ipconfig command in the CMD command prompt and copying this address in the URL place in the browser

then writing the username and password, and you can find them out from your Internet service provider or through a sticker on the router or its catalog, and the next step differs from one router to another, as you will find encryption settings such as Security or Wireless Security or Encryption or other such things, then choose the best type of encryption in front of you, and in the end you have to choose anything with WPA-2, especially WPA2+AES or WPA+AES h, and of course if you find WPA-3, you have to choose it immediately
