On this site, you can easily give a professional 3D effect to any image or remove its background and replace it with another one

On this site, you can easily give a professional 3D effect to any image or remove its background and replace it with another one

On this site, you can easily give a professional 3D effect to any image or remove its background and replace it with another one

If you have ever seen these effects in some photos or screenshots and you don't know how it is done, or it seems very difficult to do it with an editing program like Photoshop or GIMP, then this site is for you.

Or, if you just want to make an image look more interesting or professional and transform it without putting in too much effort, you’ll want to check out Limus, a free and very easy-to-use tool for that.
Limus is an image transformation tool, it works like a web app and you can use it to rotate any image in three different axes: x, y, z. You can also adjust the perspective, position, and scale.

All the options are located in the same toolbar, which also gives you options like adding a shadow and adjusting its vertical axis or blur level. Limus also lets you rotate the edges of the image, and replace the background color with any hex color.

If you want, you can leave the background transparent or upload another image to use as a background. If you’re having trouble adjusting your image in any of the axes using the sliders in the toolbox, you can hold down the SHIFT key and the app will enter free transform mode, i.e. to rotate it simply by dragging with your mouse cursor.

Limus is an open source project and its source code can be found on GitHub under the MIT license. There you’ll find instructions for cloning the app and hosting it yourself if you wish.
 Website link:  Limus
