New | The Comprehensive Guide to Solve the Blue Screen Problem in Windows 10 and Windows 11

New | The Comprehensive Guide to Solve the Blue Screen Problem in Windows 10 and Windows 11

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is one of the most intractable problems facing Windows 10 and Windows 11 users . Because of its random appearance, sometimes it feels like a problem with the operating system itself, and it came without a clear reason, and it will disappear on its own. But it reappears again and again and causes you a large number of problems while using the computer until it becomes one of the annoying and provocative problems.

You must make sure that the Blue Screen of Death or BSOD problem is one of the critical and deep problems that may be caused by hardware or software failures installed on Windows. Therefore,  if the computer problem is hardware or software,  you must also know which of the computer components caused the problem, which results in Windows failing to perform its tasks properly.

Naturally, once the blue screen occurs, the system will automatically reboot itself. But it usually only lasts a few moments before it starts to reboot automatically.

These few moments are very useful because the blue screen of death often contains a text description and an error code. This simple information is very important because it explains why the problem occurred and what hardware or software is associated with the problem.

This simple information will help you understand the problem better, and thus will serve as a thread or guide that you can use before you start looking for solutions to the problem.

To be honest with you, we can't easily list all the reasons, as this is supposed to be the job of specialists and programmers at Microsoft. But in order not to stray from our main topic, the blue screen is supposed to indicate a problem with the central processor, motherboard, RAM, or programs and drivers installed on the system.

It may seem like a confusing problem, and it is. Because if you are not an expert and do not know where to start, you will suffer a lot before you can solve it yourself. But do not worry, with a little experience and insight, you will be able to put your hand on the wound easily, and we will certainly help you with that. But if you cannot solve it yourself, do not despair, sometimes the problem is only dependent on some updates that you can download and install or wait for a new update from Microsoft to solve the problem.

How to fix blue screen problem

In order to solve the problem, you need to have a little patience and a lot of quick thinking. This is because the descriptive text and the error code number that appears in the blue screen of death will be the thread from which you can start searching for a solution to the problem. You should note down the error code, which may appear as 0x0000000 and the descriptive text may appear as KERNEL_INPAGE_ERROR .

Of course, this is just one example of what causes the Blue Screen of Death. I believe there are hundreds of text descriptions and error codes that a Blue Screen of Death can display. So in order not to get lost in our minds, we will just try to focus on the most common causes that can lead to a Blue Screen of Death and how to solve them.

█ Drivers problems

Blue screen appears on startup
Drivers Problems

Drivers are a set of software instructions that allow Windows to manage hardware components. For example, a video card driver tells Windows how to manage the video card and handle its tasks. A sound card driver tells Windows how to manage it, a BIOS driver tells Windows how to manage the computer, and a camera driver tells Windows how to manage the components. Sometimes, when it turns out that the problem is driver-related, you'll get one of the following text descriptions:







All the previous textual descriptions indicate that there is a problem with one of the drivers installed on the computer. But which driver specifically is causing the problem is a very difficult matter and impossible to understand easily. The only solution you have is to update all the computer drivers, perhaps you will be able to solve the problem. As we repeatedly point out to you, it is necessary to obtain the drivers through the official website of the laptop or motherboard manufacturer.

Sometimes the problem also occurs due to the use of a modern component with old operating systems such as Vista or Windows 7. For example, these versions of Windows are notorious for not being able to provide the drivers needed to run modern SSD storage solutions, and they are not perfectly compatible with modern sound cards and network cards.

Note that all of this does not mean that Windows 10 or Windows 11 is completely free of problems. Sometimes, either of them cannot manage the newer component you recently purchased, which results in the blue screen problem. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that you have the correct driver for your Windows system and architecture.

There is still another solution you should consider. For example, if the blue screen problem occurred at the same time as you purchased a new piece of hardware, it is best to disconnect whatever accessory it is from your computer. It may be unpleasant for you, but it is the only way to know for sure what is the culprit behind the problem.

If it becomes clear to you that the problem is related to this component, whether it is a graphics card, RAM, hard drive, LAN card, sound card, or any other device, you have no choice but to contact the manufacturer, register your problem, and always make sure to install the driver found on the manufacturer's official website.

If you do not want to remove the parts, you can easily disable it through the Device Manager by disabling this part. Open Device Manager from the Start menu , then right-click on the name of the hardware or component that you suspect is the cause of the blue screen and choose Disable Device .

█ Hardware problems

Knowing which hardware component is causing the problem is a bit difficult. Yes, it is very possible that hardware components are causing the blue screen. In fact, most blue screen of death problems are caused by hardware problems, whether it is the central processor, graphics card, RAM, or storage drives. 

For example, there are many complaints from users that storage solutions with very large capacities are not fully compatible with Windows. Sometimes, overclocking the processor without expertise causes the blue screen. Also, overclocking the graphics card can result in the blue screen.

Also if there is a piece of RAM that is nearing the end of its life or if it cannot be properly installed in its socket, it can cause the blue screen. Even the motherboard can be the cause of the problem.

■ Storage disk problem

How to solve blue screen problem in windows 10 dell device
Storage disk problem

Operating systems rely entirely on storage disks to write or read files, and the operating system constantly performs numerous checks on system files.

If the storage disk is unable to provide Windows with the correct information before starting to execute any command, this can result in a system malfunction, resulting in the blue screen.

This problem usually occurs when you have a storage drive that has bad sectors . Every time Windows tries to store on these sectors it will cause a deep system error resulting in the blue screen.

Sometimes when the problem is caused by one of the storage disks, you will notice a text description appearing on the blue screen containing the word PAGE, MEMEORY, or DISK. These are just examples of text descriptions that indicate a problem with the storage disks or one of them:






These errors not only mean that your disk is in a bad condition, but also that Windows itself has failed because the system has stored essential code in bad sectors, causing Windows to crash, and the only solution is to reinstall Windows from scratch . The quickest alternative solution for you may be to temporarily reset Windows, as Windows can identify bad sectors and ignore them and not store on them.

But note that it will only be a temporary solution because Windows will come to a point where it will start storing files on these sectors again and will not be able to ignore them as it did during the initial installation process.

There are many tools that you can use to check and diagnose your storage drives and solutions, and Victoria SSD/HDD is probably one of the best tools we recommend using.

You should browse one of these topics to gain more experience to be able to avoid damage to the hard disk or problems:- 

■ Unstable CPU, graphics card or RAM

CPU, graphics card or RAM instability
CPU, graphics card or RAM instability

In short, any manipulation of the CPU values ​​may cause the processor to fail. For example, the idea of ​​raising the frequency is very common in order to get the most out of the CPU capabilities. At the same time, reducing the CPU voltage on laptops is very common in order to improve the efficiency of the laptop and reduce its temperature. 

But tampering with voltage values ​​without experience, or tampering with processor frequencies without experience, can cause the CPU to fail and the system to crash.

The same goes for the graphics card, trying to overclock the processor or video memory may cause the graphics card to become unstable and crash the system. The good news is that it is easy to overcome this problem just by returning to the default factory settings by going back to the Defaults settings from within the BIOS / UIFI interface.

■ Motherboard failure

It is rare for a motherboard malfunction to cause a blue screen, but it is not impossible. A motherboard contains a huge number of components, from RAM sockets to CPU pins to capacitors to power circuits to transistors and many other components. 

Any permanent damage or harm to these components, such as damage to some RAM socket pins, the CPU, a burnt capacitor or two, or the power coils, will cause the platform to malfunction and become unstable, resulting in the blue screen, especially when trying to press the platform while working on heavy programs, playing games, or running the device for a long period of time. If the motherboard is under warranty, your only option is to replace it. However, if the warranty period has expired, the other solution is to buy a new motherboard.

█ Software and application problems

Windows 7 blue screen solution
Software and application problems

Software and application problems are not impossible. Sometimes, using an old program with a new version of the operating system or with a new piece of hardware that you recently purchased can cause a malfunction or system crash due to incompatibility between the application and the system or between the application and one of the new hardware components. It will be difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem, but try to be quick-witted and remember when the last time you had a blue screen problem. 

If it is with a specific app, try using the same app more than once and try the same procedures you used before that you think caused the problem. If the problem appears, you now know the reason.

Now you have a suspicious program and the only solution in such a case is to stop using the application or of course remove it and look for an alternative to it. Or if you can't do without it, try using it without compromising the settings or functions that are causing the development of the blue screen issue. 

Always remember before using this program to save your latest work on the desktop because it is very likely that the blue screen will occur while you are using it.

Also, you should make sure that you have the latest version of the program or even go back to an older version if it is free of problems. All of these things you can determine through the official forum of the application or program. But if you want personal advice, it is better to cut the problem from its roots and remove the application and look for a suitable alternative that works completely stable on your device.

█ Windows problems

Solve the blue screen problem in Windows 11
Windows problems

Sometimes tampering with the registry records without expertise or executing a new set of commands inside the Command Prompt can cause deep damage to the data and files of the system itself. Most often when the problem is related to the structure and kernel of the system, the blue screen will contain a text description with the word SYSTEM or SESSION and this is one of the error messages you may get when Windows fails and crashes:





If this problem occurs to you often, the only solution is to reset Windows again. But if the problem reappears even after resetting Windows, this is an indication of one of two things: First, there is a program you are installing that causes deep damage to the system kernel files, or it is a general problem that can only be solved through the next Windows updates. 

If you are completely confident and confident in all the programs you use, unfortunately the only solution is to wait for a new update from Microsoft to fix the problem. If you are completely desperate and the company has not released any update to solve the problem, try trying a different version of Windows 10/11 instead of the one you are currently using. For example, if you are using the Home version, try moving to the Pro version and vice versa.

There is definitely another solution, which is to return to the default settings of Windows. It may not be a radical solution to the problem, but it is easy and intuitive and can help solve the problem. They often say that the simplest solutions are always the best. Go to Settings, then Advanced Options, then click on the Recovery tab, then choose Reset PC. Then a screen will appear asking you whether you want to keep the files or delete them. Choose what suits you from them and follow the instructions shown on the screen to return to the default mode of Windows 10/11.

If the error code contains the text description REGISTRY_ERROR, it means that the changes you made recently in the registry editor have caused damage to the registry records. But if you did not make any manual changes to the registry editor, it means that some of your programs did it for you, causing the system to crash. Of course, you have several solutions. The first solution is to undo the changes you made in the registry editor.

Another solution is to remove the culprit application, but unfortunately we cannot help you identify what exactly is this application because it is impossible for us. You should remember what are the last applications or programs you have installed recently that coincided with the occurrence of the blue screen. When you have a suspicious program, remove it immediately. If that does not work, the other solution is to reinstall Windows from scratch and not install the culprit program again and find an alternative to it.

◄ Rely on a system restore point

rely on a system restore point
Relying on a system restore point

If you hate reinstalling Windows from scratch, and I’m sure you do, you can use the System Restore Point feature instead. We can’t guarantee that it will be a permanent fix, but if the blue screen issue has happened to you randomly in the last few minutes, you can revert to a System Restore Point that Windows automatically created to go back to a time when Windows was working properly. It’s definitely better if you manually create a System Restore Point. 

But if you don’t have a system restore point, you have no choice but to rely on the automatic restore point. To revert to the old system restore point, open the Start menu and start searching for Create Restore Point. From the System Protection tab, click on the System Restore option . From the new window, click on Next at the bottom. From here, choose the restore point by selecting it. Then, click on Next and follow the on-screen instructions to restore the old system point.

◄ Can I fix the blue screen problem if I can't log into Windows?

Solve the problem of the blue screen without logging into Windows
Can the blue screen problem be solved if I can't log into Windows?

Sometimes the blue screen issue causes the operating system to crash so that it is difficult for you to boot up and enter the Windows interface. This problem usually occurs when Windows suffers permanent damage to core files deep within the system kernel.

This problem may be difficult to solve, but it is possible. If your computer is able to load Windows, even if only partially, you can enter Safe Mode to diagnose the problem and remove the program that is causing the blue screen.

Safe Mode is a boot mode that is free of all third-party applications and programs, and lacks most of the basic Windows services and programs. Safe Mode is often used to diagnose and solve problems. To enter Safe Mode, turn on your computer, wait for the motherboard or laptop manufacturer logo to load, and then start pressing and holding the F11 key – on some older machines you may need to press the F9 key and you will immediately be taken to the Recovery Menu .

From this screen, click on the Startup Settings option , then choose the number that helps you enter Enter Safe Mode and click on the Enter key . The computer will restart again, but you will be taken directly to Safe Mode. After entering Safe Mode, you should start diagnosing the problem and searching for its cause, whether it is a program, game, service, or a setting that you recently changed, then modify it and return it to its original state.

Also note that from there you can access Windows Update settings and you will be able to remove recent updates if you think they are the cause of the problem just by Uninstall Updates and uninstall all available updates.
