Learn the difference between Demo and Beta software versions

Learn the difference between Demo and Beta software versions

Learn the difference between Demo and Beta software versions

When launching a new software, you often hear two very common terms: “demo” and “beta.” Many people confuse the two concepts, so in this post we will explain the difference between them.

First of all, a demo version is a version of any program that works partially, i.e. does not have full functionality. These are versions that various companies release for free in order to give users a glimpse of what the final product, which is usually paid, will look like.

If we say that Demo is similar to the trial period usually given in programs, we are wrong, because the "Demo" version has some common functions that we can find in various competing programs, while the exclusive features remain only in the full version.

In addition, the demo version must be stable, i.e. free of defects and errors, because it is intended for the user as a preliminary version to gain his trust, and therefore if the customer finds a problem, he may not be fully prepared to buy the final product.

The beta version is very similar to the demo version, however it must include a new function every time, so it is a test for any new functionality that the program will have in its final version.

However, it may not be stable because it is primarily intended for testers who discover bugs and report them to the company for correction while working on developing the feature and fully preparing it before it is officially launched in the official program.

However, it seems that the difference between a "demo" and a "beta" relates to the stability of the program, in addition to the category of users for whom the version will be designed, in addition to a difference in terms of the available functions.

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