How to easily detect and remove the app that fills your phone with ads

How to easily detect and remove the app that fills your phone with ads

How to easily detect and remove the app that fills your phone with ads

You turn on your phone and see an ad on your lock screen. You unlock your phone, try to open WhatsApp, and another ad pops up, your entire phone freezes and you can’t do anything other than wait for the ad to end. You’ve probably faced this situation before after installing an app whose sole purpose was to profit from ads, programs that flood your devices with ads.

So if you suddenly find that your phone is filled with ads, it could be due to only one reason: you installed an app that caused this disaster. But don't worry because, fortunately, there are several ways to identify the culprit of the apps that caused all this.

To solve the problem you need to use the AppWatch application, the latter uses the Android activity log to locate the offensive applications. Of course, it is not automatic because you have to start the scan manually, you also have to go to the activity log to discover the source of the ads. What App Watch does is make the process much easier for you so that the offensive ads disappear from your mobile.

Once the Watch App is installed, perform the following process:

- Open AppWatch and allow permission to access use apps.

- Go back to AppWatch and click on the “Start Monitoring” button. From that moment on, the app will record the app activity, and show you a permanent notification.

- Use your mobile phone in the normal way until an ad appears that is not intended for the application in use.

- Open AppWatch immediately (from the notification and look at the last app in the list. This will be the one causing the ads to show.

- Remove the concerned application and you are done with the problem.

It could be the case that you have multiple apps installed that are showing ads. If this is what is happening to you, you will have to repeat the AppWatch steps until you have cleaned the phone completely. Remember that the app does not remove ads, it only provides you with information so that you can find out which apps are causing them. Once done, you can deactivate AppWatch and remove it from the phone.

- Link:  AppWatch
