How to adjust the intensity of the LED flash on your Android mobile phone

How to adjust the intensity of the LED flash on your Android mobile phone

How to adjust the intensity of the LED flash on your Android mobile phone

The flashlight function found on all Android phones can be great, especially at night, when we go to the kitchen at dawn to eat a chocolate chip cookie and don't want to bump into something or run over the cat.

What happens is that sometimes the brightness of the flashlight is too strong, or we simply want a little less light. For many years, many mobile phones have made it possible to regulate the brightness of the flashlight, as is the case, for example, with Samsung mobile phones.

However, there are other phones, like the Google Pixel, which even in 2024 still don’t have an option to adjust the brightness of the flashlight. They only allow you to activate or deactivate the LED flashlight. What can we do?

If someone had asked me this same question a few years ago, I would have told them to install Simple Flashlight. As the name suggests, it's a very simple flashlight app, but it lets you adjust the brightness, which is what we're ultimately interested in.

The bad thing about Flashlight Simple is that it has a fair amount of ads, and its interface is a bit outdated. Fortunately, there is an alternative called FlashDim which is far superior in all aspects today.

On the one hand, it is an open source application. There is something important to take into account for security, especially with this type of “public” applications in quotes, since they tend to be a vector for malware in many cases.

But in addition to that, FlashDim is free, has no ads of any kind and has a very good design. Its operation is simpler: we open the application and increase or decrease the light bar to adjust the brightness of the flashlight to our liking.

It also has other additional functions to add some fantasy to the matter, such as a button to send SOS signals using the flashlight, another button to emit flashes of light at intervals and even a button to send text messages in Morse code.

So, if you have a Pixel phone or any other brand that has a disabled flashlight brightness control function, now you know how to restore this function that is sometimes very useful.

- FlashDim app link 
