5 Google Chrome Extensions That Will Help You Avoid Feeling Any Pain While Working

5 Google Chrome Extensions That Will Help You Avoid Feeling Any Pain While Working

5 Google Chrome Extensions That Will Help You Avoid Feeling Any Pain While Working

Working long hours in front of a computer in the office with little freedom of movement can make us feel stressed and may cause muscle or joint pain or headaches. Google Chrome can help us with this problem with some extensions that provide us with solutions.

Staying active when sitting at a desk all day in front of a computer seems like a very complicated task. The fact that spending long hours in this position can lead to a lack of motivation when trying to perform some kind of physical exercise, since you can get into a situation where you do not want to perform a task of this type. Ultimately, this can lead to more serious situations such as discomfort in the position we are in, muscle pain or even headaches.

From Google Chrome, it will be able to help us, since it has some extensions that can be very useful and that will help us leave behind the laziness that we all have inside us.


It is an addition that will help us improve movement when we work in front of the desk for a long time. It includes more than 40 exercises that aim to help us stay fit.

The thing that we find really interesting is that all the exercises are very easy, but those who have more difficulties will watch a video in which he indicates the steps that we must follow.

We will be able to customize the add-on so that it is exactly what we want, as well as being able to set a time period between each reminder for us to practice it.

There are multiple types of exercises such as simple ones, strength exercises, movement activities or stretching, among others.

In addition to everything we have told you, we will also enable or disable any type of exercise so that it appears in the reminders, that is, the extension will always remind us to do those exercises that we consider very necessary.


Taking regular breaks to stretch and walk around can be extremely beneficial to our physical and mental health, and this is where Embody has so much to offer us.

We will be able to configure rest reminders for the time periods we want, so that this addition will later encourage us to comply with the mentioned moments.

Reminders are sent through the web page as well as through the desktop, which means that no matter what we are doing, we will receive a notification to take a break and move around a bit.

Thanks to these breaks, we will be able to put an end to some of the very common pains of those people who spend a long time sitting in front of the computer, such as back pain, leg pain and even stiffness of some other muscles.

As one of the positive parts of this plugin, let me tell you that its interface is very intuitive and that we will be able to manage everything that is a reminder, as well as adjust the types of reminders that we want to receive.

30s Neck Stretch

There is no doubt that one of the parts of the body that suffers the most when spending long hours sitting at a desk is the neck, which is an essential part of our health.

Everyone who works long hours in front of the computer tends to put our neck in incorrect positions, and all they do is cause tension and this, over the years, can lead to really serious problems.

30s Neck Stretch is a stretch that reminds us of doing some exercises and stretching the neck.

By default, it comes so that every 45 minutes it warns you that it is time to move our neck. Notifications will appear with a pop-up window with a timer that when pressed, we will see a countdown of 30 seconds.

As usual, we will be able to change the reminder interval, in addition to the fact that we have an option called How to do it, which takes us to a YouTube tutorial on neck stretching exercises.


 It is an extension through which we can maintain the correct posture and thus greatly improve our health.

We already know that when we spend long hours sitting, even if we have a good chair, completely comfortable, if we cannot maintain the correct posture, we may suffer from joint and muscle problems and even tendon and ligament injuries.

What this extension will do is give us a warning so that we not only change our position but also take a break. The time intervals between both options will be 10 and 30 minutes respectively.


DeskTrainer will help us to be responsible, since in this extension we will be able to add a list of sites that distract us, and therefore make us take time from our work. After marking these sites, we can set a time limit to distract ourselves, before the extension itself redirects us to the right place. But before that, it asks us to exercise and after that it will allow us to continue working.

We will be able to choose active days, daily start and end times, as well as the overall duration of the training.

In addition, it has an option that can be very interesting, because it can give us a penalty for delaying training while browsing a website that distracts us, adding 30 seconds to the total training duration.
