10 keyboard shortcuts that every computer user should know

10 keyboard shortcuts that every computer user should know


Keyboard shortcuts that will facilitate your work while using the computer, and there are many, many shortcuts, and today, God willing, we will show you the most important of those shortcuts and basics that every computer user must know so that he can use the computer in an easier way

The shortcut Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Insert
to copy a specific text, file or folder when selected (copy)

to cut text, file, or folder when selected (cut)

Ctrl+V / Shift+Insert
shortcut to re-paste the text, file or folder you copied or cut (past)

The shortcut CTRL+A
to select the entire elements or the entire text on the page, the Word file or all files in the entire folder (Select All)

The abbreviation ctrl+z
to return from the previous operation, such as wanting to unwrite text or delete a file, so you click on this shortcut (Undo)

The abbreviation ctrl+y
, unlike the previous abbreviation, is to advance and return again, unlike the previous abbreviation (Redo)

Abbreviation CTRL+F

To search for text or file in the place where you clicked on the shortcut, whether a program, a Word file, or others (Find)

The abbreviation ctrl+s
to save data in a specific file, such as saving what you wrote on a Word file, so by clicking on this shortcut, you save what you wrote (Save)

F2 key

To rename the selected file or folder

F5 key

To refresh icons or files in the open window and sometimes it is used in some browsers to reload

Abbreviation alt+F4

To close the currently open window or exit the program

shortcut Move between open windows in Windows and choose the window you want

The shortcut ctrl+shift+esc
to open the Task Manger manager directly and end any process you want to (irritate) your device, for example

Of course, there are many other keyboard shortcuts other than those we presented above, and we will present them in other topics, God willing, but the previous shortcuts are the most important that you as a computer user should know
