YouTube launches supervision mode for parents with children and minors on YouTube

YouTube launches supervision mode for parents with children and minors on YouTube

YouTube launches supervision mode for parents with children and minors on YouTube

YouTube is a huge platform where creators of all ages coexist. People who are of legal age and decide to post videos on Google’s platform know what it entails, but the same does not apply to underage creators. Yes, there are teenagers on YouTube who upload videos every day and sometimes their parents are not aware of the situation. YouTube wants to provide tools for parents with the premiere of Supervised Mode.

This new mode is not intended for parents to have complete control over their children's YouTube account. In fact, what is required is that there be consensus when uploading content to the platform. The name itself indicates this, and it is a supervision mode in which parents receive notifications about what is being done with the YouTube account so that they have the information at all times.

This YouTube mode will make its global debut later this week. What YouTube has announced in a post on its official blog is the various features that this new mode will have. In addition to providing information on how to enable this mode.

In order for a minor’s YouTube account to be supervised, it must be part of Family Central. This new control center will be the key to turning on supervision mode. Additionally, being part of Family Central does not limit what the teen in question can do.

In fact, you can continue to upload videos or go live on YouTube. The only implications are that parental figures will be aware of your activity. Additionally, they will be able to see the YouTube channels they have subscribed to as well as the comments made on videos posted on the platform.

For many parents, this new mode may be a way to track their son or daughter’s activity on YouTube. But Google’s intention with the tool is quite the opposite: it seeks to provide freedom and independence to teenage users without compromising their experience on a global platform where the content or participants may not be suitable for minors.
