You should put this new site in your favorites and as your best ally to avoid being scammed on the internet

You should put this new site in your favorites and as your best ally to avoid being scammed on the internet

You should put this new site in your favorites and as your best ally to avoid being scammed on the internet

To detect online scams, fake links and malware, you can use different tools. For example, you can install a good antivirus on your device. In this article, we will talk to you about a new website that will help you analyze whether a link is dangerous. It is very easy to use and can be very useful in preventing you from falling into a phishing trap, which can lead to password theft.

This is a new online service created by NordVPN. It is called Link Checker and the aim of the site is nothing but the ability to analyze any link you put there. It will check for different types of malware as well as phishing. Once verified, it will tell you whether the website is trustworthy or not.

It should be taken into account that phishing pages are becoming more realistic. Hackers are making it look like a trustworthy site, even if it is actually a scam. This makes it more difficult to spot the deception, at least with the naked eye. This is where Link Checker comes in.

Its operation is intuitive and simple. Once you enter the site, you will see a bar to enter any link. Once you have entered the URL, simply click on “Analyze”. There you can, for example, put a link that you received via email or SMS and that you suspect may be a scam to steal your personal data or passwords.

Once you click Analyze, the site will check whether it is trustworthy or not. If there is no problem, a green box will appear indicating that this site shows no signs of malicious activity. If it detects something strange, it indicates that it might be a phishing attack and you should avoid sharing personal data or accessing it at all.

From NordVPN, they claim to have information on 95% of the most popular domains that they have spoofed to launch phishing attacks. Therefore, it can help you detect many security threats of this type, which is very common today. They can create fake pages to steal your Netflix, Facebook, email, bank accounts, etc.

However, common sense should always prevail. No matter how helpful sites like these are, you should always make sure that you do not log in through a link you received, whether via email, SMS, social media or anywhere else. It could be a scam and should be avoided. Always log in from official pages or apps that you have downloaded from trusted sites.

-  Link Checker
