you can get rid of all the unwanted programs that come pre-installed

you can get rid of all the unwanted programs that come pre-installed

you can get rid of all the unwanted programs that come pre-installed

Without downloading anything: Using this simple method, you can get rid of all the unwanted programs that come pre-installed.

Microsoft ships Windows 10 and 11 with pre-installed apps, many of which cannot be uninstalled using traditional methods. However, we are not here to teach you how to use traditional methods.

There is a tool to remove all the unwanted programs that come pre-installed in the operating system and other unwanted OS settings. It works as a PowerShell script and is very easy to use. It is called Win11Debloat and below we will tell you how it works.

We told you a while ago about another similar tool called Windows10Debloater , but it's dedicated to Windows 10. The process is very similar, as all we have to do is paste a command line into PowerShell that will execute a small script that will guide us to remove everything we don't want from the operating system.

Keep in mind that what we will show you next is how to run a GitHub-hosted script with administrator privileges on Windows. This carries security risks for your computer, even when the package and developer are trusted. If you decide to use this tool, you do so at your own risk. We have tried and tested it and found it to be really useful, but Hoho Information Blog cannot be held responsible for what may happen to your system.

Once the warning is gone, it’s time to get to work. To do this, you need to have PowerShell on your Windows 10 or 11 operating system and run it as an administrator. Type its name into the Windows search engine and run it as an administrator. 

After that all you have to do is paste the following line as is:

& ([scriptblock]::Create((irm "")))

What we will do here is set up a small tool through the content hosted on GitHub by its creators. When we press Enter, a series of options will appear to choose from by pressing the numbers mentioned and pressing Enter to confirm. The three main options are responsible for:

1 - Default mode to uninstall apps that were set in initial setup, uninstall diagnostic data, and more.

2- Custom mode where they will ask us what we want to uninstall or change.

3- A way to uninstall only the applications that we choose from the list.

We recommend choosing the second option, as you will be able to remove and configure everything the script offers you to your liking. When you choose it, another menu will appear with more options.

The first option is to not delete any application, while the second option will run the script in its default mode, i.e. it will uninstall all the pre-installed applications that are not useful to us and will disable telemetry, diagnostic data, Windows activity history and suggested ads. If we click on this mode, the applications will be deleted one by one and then the settings will be applied. Once done, the Explorer process will restart with the Settings app.

In the third option, in addition to bloatware apps, email and calendar apps, developer apps, and gaming apps will also be removed. Examples of these apps include OneDrive or Xbox. 

The script is very useful, as it practically gets rid of all unwanted content in Windows in one fell swoop.
