Why Turning Off Your Router When You Leave the House or Every Night Is a Very Bad Idea

Why Turning Off Your Router When You Leave the House or Every Night Is a Very Bad Idea

Why Turning Off Your Router When You Leave the House or Every Night Is a Very Bad Idea

Even if you are someone who decides to turn off your router every night or every time you leave the house, there are different reasons that can make you change your mind. Not only because your home will be left without an internet connection, but for the sake of the router itself. For this reason, it does not hurt to know in more detail what the simple act of turning off your router constantly entails.

There are specific moments when it is good to turn off this equipment that allows us to access the Internet. For example, when there is a connection problem or when we update the router manually. In these cases, there is no choice but to turn it off. Not only is it a good way to solve the failure in question, it is also a mandatory step during updates.

Apart from these moments, the rest of the times when the router is turned off are not the best. But, to clear your doubts, let us know about the inconveniences caused by constantly turning off this device.

- What happens if you always turn off the router?

First of all, if you are a smart home owner, you are not interested in cutting off the internet in your home. All because you will lose remote control of the smart devices you have distributed throughout the house. From the sockets and light bulbs to the video surveillance system you have installed in your home. So, this affects not only every night, but also every time you leave the house, as they will not have internet access. And that is just the beginning.

For example, one of the problems that arise from turning off the router every night is in the updates. In most of these devices they are automatically charged. And the chosen time for the release of the new firmware with its security patches is usually at night. With this, your router will reboot itself as soon as the update is downloaded. Now, if you turn it off at night, on a technical level, these devices will not be able to update. So you will have to do it manually, which not all users know how to do.

In addition, there are two other points you should know: the useful life of the router is reduced and if you have a landline it will not work. Regarding the first point, turning it off constantly will cause its useful life to deteriorate faster than expected, since it is designed to be on continuously. On the other hand, the landline will not work because it relies on the fiber router.

So, in general, the simple fact of constantly turning off this equipment will not only reduce its useful life, but it will also perform worse. Basically, as we said before, these devices are designed to be always on. So when is it best to turn them off? The most obvious examples are if you notice that the connection is bad or if you manually update it. But, you will certainly find other times when you need to turn it back on or off.
