Three applications to change the buttons on your Android phone Make them perform other functions

Three applications to change the buttons on your Android phone Make them perform other functions

Smartphones don't have many buttons. There is the power button, the volume up and down button, but today we are going to go one step further and see how we can exchange the functions of any of the physical buttons on our mobile phone and assign them to another available button.

This will also help us assign additional functions to the buttons, which can be useful to customize the mobile phone to our tastes and needs.

Sharing functions between physical buttons on a device is known as “remapping”. The bad news is that if we want to remap the buttons on our smartphone, we have to install a third-party app, since it is not a native feature on Android.

- Key Mapper

It is a free application with which we can remap the functions of the device's hardware buttons. It works with the volume buttons, navigation buttons (if you have an old cell phone) and other hardware buttons that may be connected, such as Bluetooth keyboards and the like.

Of course, like all tools for remapping buttons on Android, it doesn’t work with the power button in most cases. This is not the fault of the app, as manufacturers and OEMs usually block the ability to modify the power button through firmware.

Leaving the limitations aside, with Key Mapper we can activate different actions by lightly pressing the button, long pressing or double pressing. It also allows you to press two buttons at the same time or perform press sequences.

- Buttons Remapper & Configurar

This is a very similar helper app with which we can change the order of the buttons, turn on the flashlight by pressing the volume down button for example, open the camera app, or any other action we want to assign.

It also allows you to assign actions by long pressing, which opens up a wide range of possibilities.

Like the previous app, the power button usually doesn't work due to manufacturer restrictions, so you can only use it with the volume up and down buttons.

- Button Mapper

Finally, we have Button Mapper, a button mapping app that has everything you need. It lets you modify volume buttons, camera buttons, buttons on connected gamepads, and even buttons on some headsets.

It also allows long press and double tap to expand the number of actions that can be assigned to the buttons. Of course, it is worth noting that the application only works when the mobile screen is on.
