This is the ranking of the most used mobile browsers so far 2024 according to Statcounter There is a surprise

This is the ranking of the most used mobile browsers so far 2024 according to Statcounter There is a surprise

This is the ranking of the most used mobile browsers so far 2024 according to Statcounter There is a surprise

On Android, we have access to different web browsers, both from the Google Play Store and from third-party stores. Therefore, each user can choose according to their preferences, although the truth is that most users tend to opt for an old acquaintance: Google Chrome.

Last year, we recognized Chrome’s dominance as the most used browser on mobile phones worldwide. Now, Statcounter has published the results of its analysis: this is how users are distributed among the available browsers.

At the end of August, users continue to give Google Chrome the crown as the world’s most used browser. Statcounter gives Chrome a share of 66.17%, which is higher than the last record.

It is worth noting that these statistics correspond to August 2024, a year in which the situation has not changed much. However, Statcounter provides a graph of the development since August 2023. In addition, it takes into account not only the use of browsers on Android, but also Apple iPhones into the equation.

Safari is the second most used web browser on mobile: 23.28%, which is not small. And who comes in third? Can we think of Microsoft Edge? No, Samsung is the third with its Samsung Internet browser, with 4.13%.

Microsoft Edge came in at seventh place, and it seems that recent changes like the inclusion of Copilot didn’t bring the good news Microsoft expected. Oddly enough, Samsung’s browser has been gaining a following in the past year, having been the fourth most used browser on mobile before now being third.

Opera, UC Browser and Firefox occupy the next positions with 2.04%, 1.77% and 0.58% respectively.

The biggest casualty on mobile is Microsoft Edge, and even its latest developments have failed to attract smartphone users, as we’ve seen. Meanwhile, Chrome’s reign doesn’t seem to be in danger, and Google’s dominance of the web is brutal. Will these numbers change in the future? We’ll be there to tell you.
