Meet Sora AI | The New Revolution in Digital Art

Meet Sora AI | The New Revolution in Digital Art

When artificial intelligence first appeared, they said that it would replace many jobs and that it was fast learning, but we ignored this part with great boldness. Indeed, the human mind cannot be replaced at all, and this is a fact. But they told us that it would replace some jobs and not replace humans, and we must focus on this particular part because it is one hundred percent correct.

Because in fact they did not lie about this at all, can you imagine that the advertisements that we see on TV or on social media, this video that is 60 seconds or even two minutes long may have been produced entirely by artificial intelligence, yes and also amazingly there is nothing in this video that is real at all from the people moving inside it to the roads and places, can you really imagine where we are going? We are moving very quickly towards a dazzling future full of inventions that we never dreamed of experiencing at all, but this future and this progress, is it good or bad? It seems so far that it is good.

It is like a tool that helps you make a complete, integrated movie, without actors and from your own room in your home. The strangest thing is that it will achieve this by simply giving it some descriptive sentences for the image or video you want, and leave this tool to be the controller, and it will give you a video with high quality and without exaggerated cost. Can you imagine this?

All this with a tool created by OpenAI and this tool is called Sora AI, so what is this tool? How does it work? Will it be a suitable alternative for graphic designers, photographers and other professions, or is it just an artificial intelligence tool that will be full of flaws? This is what we will know about Sora AI.

What is Sora AI?

Sora AI is an amazing advancement in artificial intelligence that has amazed and impressed many. It can be described as a digital artist with superhuman abilities, as it can transform texts into realistic and detailed videos. Imagine writing a description of a particular scene, a short story, or even a crazy idea, and Sora AI then presents you with a video that perfectly embodies what you imagined in your mind! The special thing is that Sora AI was developed by OpenAI, the same minds behind ChatGPT. Sora AI is still in development, so learning how to access Sora will have to wait – for now, though, looking at how it performs compared to other text-to-video generators is important for navigating the future of content creation using AI.

How does Sora AI work?

Like generative text-to-image AI models like DALL-E 3 , StableDiffusion, and Midjourney , Sora AI is a diffusion model. This means that it starts with each frame of video consisting of static noise, and uses machine learning to gradually transform the images into something resembling the description in the text. Sora AI videos can be up to 60 seconds long.

Time consistency solution

One area of ​​innovation in Sora AI is that it considers multiple video frames at once, solving the problem of keeping objects consistent as they move in and out of the field of view.

Integrating diffusion and transformer models

Sora AI combines the use of a diffusion model and transformer architecture, as used in GPT.

Increase video resolution using renaming

To accurately capture the essence of the user's original text, Sora AI uses a renaming technology also available in DALL-E 3, which means that before any video is generated, GPT is used to rewrite the user's text to include a lot of details, basically, it's a form of automatic engineering of requests.

What are the limitations of Sora AI?

OpenAI points out several limitations to the current version of Sora AI. Sora AI does not have an implicit understanding of physics, and therefore may not always adhere to “universal” physical laws. An example of this is that the model does not understand cause and effect, and this may show in the videos it creates.

As we saw in the video shown above, Sora AI did not implicitly understand that humans cannot stand on clouds, but it responded to the descriptive phrases given to it. It did not understand the cause or effect at all, but it achieved what was given in the form of a video.

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How to access Sora AI?

There is currently no public access to Sora AI , only a select few individuals can use this text-to-video model, and in addition to “ red teamers ” who are looking into how to make the use as safe as possible, OpenAI has provided access to a few artists, designers, and filmmakers for testing purposes, so they know that Sora AI is on the path to helping us make it accessible to everyone soon.

Speaking to OpenAI about Sora's accessibility, the company said it has no timeline for public availability, and OpenAI doesn't share details about who outside its offices are involved, vaguely mentioning engagement with policymakers and more to get feedback on the development and responsible use of Sora.

What is Sora AI used for?

Sora can be used to create videos from scratch or stretch existing videos to make them longer. It can also fill in missing frames from videos. In the same way that AI text-to-image tools have made creating images significantly easier without technical photo editing expertise, Sora promises to make creating videos easier without photo editing expertise. Here are some of the key use cases.

Social Media

Sora can be used to create short videos for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, especially suitable for content that is difficult or impossible to film. For example, filming a Lagos scene in 2056 would be technically difficult for a social post but easy to create with Sora.

Advertising and Marketing

Creating ads, promotional videos, and product demos has traditionally been expensive. AI text-to-video tools like Sora promise to make the process much cheaper. In the example below, a tourism board wanting to promote California’s Big Sur could hire a drone to take aerial shots of the site, or they could use AI, saving time and money.

Prototyping and Concept Visualization

Even if the AI ​​video isn’t used in the final product, it can be useful for quickly showing ideas. Filmmakers can use AI to model scenes before they’re shot, and designers can create videos of products before they’re built. In the example below, a gaming company might create an AI mockup of a new pirate ship before committing to building it at scale.

Create synthetic data

Synthetic data is often used in situations where privacy or feasibility concerns prevent the use of real data. For digital data, common use cases are financial data and personally identifiable information. Access to these sets of data must be strictly controlled, but you can create synthetic data with similar properties to make it publicly available.

One use of synthetic video data is to train computer vision systems. As I wrote in 2022, the US Air Force is using synthetic data to improve the performance of its drone computer vision systems to detect buildings and vehicles at night and in bad weather. Tools like Sora make this process much cheaper and more accessible to a wider audience.

What Sora AI Can't Do

There are some problems with interpreting the concepts and instructions. For example, when Sora is told to create shots of a “crab with a light bulb as its shell,” Sora produces images of a crab-like creature with a generic shell on its back that has a light bulb on its butt.

In this length of beach animation, it's clear that the character only vaguely resembles a crab. Yes, he has legs and claws, but no living crab (or crab-like animal) has a shell like the one in Sora's pictures. Furthermore, the light bulb isn't used as a shell, it's just an accessory on the back of the character's frame.

Another example can be found on OpenAI’s dedicated page about Sora , in one of the five videos that outline Sora’s current weaknesses. A prominent clip depicts a man running on a treadmill in reverse, with parameters like direction — up, down, left, right — currently challenging Sora to analyze. OpenAI has been transparent and honest about where its text-to-video model is lacking in development, which seems like a sign that they know where and how to improve.

In general, there are 5 major (known) issues with Sora AI's graphics:

  • Interpretation of trend
  • Appearance and disappearance of characters and objects
  • Move objects and characters through each other.
  • Determine when things should be hard or soft.
  • Determine the results of physical interactions between characters and objects.

Sister AI

Keep in mind that Sora AI still has a long way to go before it’s ready for the public. As such, its current bugs are sure to be addressed and corrected – at least to some extent. Previously, there were some AI-generated images that, when compared to AI-generated images and videos, would have been amazed. They’ve been tweaking so much and learning so slowly that you don’t know what’s real or what’s fiction. Here’s one of those videos.

Some frequently asked questions about Sora AI

There are some questions that are asked about Sora AI and today we will ask and answer them in our article:

Is Sora AI free?

There is no data regarding the pricing of Sora AI, the model is still under development and testing.

How do I get to Sora?

There is currently no waitlist for Sora, however, OpenAI says it will release one in due course, but that could take “a few months,” we don’t know yet.

Are there any alternatives to Sora I can use in the meantime?

Of course, you can try tools like Runway Gen-2 and Google Lumiere to get an idea of ​​the capabilities of artificial intelligence to convert text to video, and of course when mentioning alternatives to artificial intelligence, we must mention China and its alternatives. Really, no matter what America or European countries produce, you will find the cheapest and most powerful alternative to this thing, and since we are talking about alternatives to Sora AI, we must mention the potential and most powerful competitor to it, which is MiniMax .

How long can Sora videos be?

  • Sora videos can be up to 60 seconds long.
