In this hidden link on the Internet you will know all the sites you visit the most

In this hidden link on the Internet you will know all the sites you visit the most

In this hidden link on the Internet you will know all the sites you visit the most

Want to know which pages you visit most often? If you’re interested in knowing which websites you spend most of your time on, there’s a simple way to do it. Chrome, as well as other Chromium-based browsers, have the advantage of having this information. It’s simple, it can be useful, and we’ll explain how you can see it. We’ll also show you what to do to delete that data and why that can be a problem.

This function doesn't tell you exactly how many times you've visited a page, but rather estimates it from 0 to 100. With this score, you can see which sites you visit the most. If a page has a score of 100 out of 100, it means you open it every day, every time you start your browser. The closer it is to 0, the less important the site is to you.

If you are using Google Chrome as your browser, simply access:


You can copy and paste that into the bar and it will take you to a page where you can see all the sites ranked from most important to least important to you. Basically, the pages you visit most frequently will appear at the top.

If you mainly use the browser to read news, pages of this type that you usually visit frequently will appear. For example, if you use social networks like Facebook a lot, you will see them in the first place. Everything will depend on each user, and on the use they make of any site.

- It may cause you problems.

This unique information for each device and user could become a problem. Why do we say this? If it is filtered, a third party could know more about you, how you browse, what pages you visit, what interests you may have, etc. This raises the doubt, at least for some, about whether it is really useful or if it does not take privacy into account.

You can’t remove this feature from Chrome, so it will always collect data to see which pages you visit the most. If you go into incognito mode, it will be deleted as soon as you close the window. However, what you can do is delete browsing data from Chrome:


As you can see, you have the option to check which websites you visit the most on a daily basis. It's very simple and you can see it in Chrome or any other Chromium based browser. 
