How to turn on the alarm even if the phone is off Yes, it is possible in the phones of these companies

How to turn on the alarm even if the phone is off Yes, it is possible in the phones of these companies

How to turn on the alarm even if the phone is off Yes, it is possible in the phones of these companies

Technological advances have not been in the best interests of those of us who are used to setting an alarm, turning off our cell phones, and avoiding having to leave them on when we go to sleep. After Google’s mobile operating system took over the phone market, we had no choice but to accept the fact that it is impossible to make an alarm sound while the phone is off.

In the same way, the doubt still exists and there are thousands of people asking about it every day, as the hope of setting the alarm and waiting for it to ring without having to leave the cell phone on all night still exists.

On this occasion we will analyze this problem and try to offer you the solution, because believe it or not, there are some Android mobile manufacturers that allow you to "overcome this obstacle" in at least an ingenious way.

- Can the alarm be turned on with the cell phone turned off?

If we take this question at a general level, the answer is “no”. Not all Android mobile devices that have appeared on the market in recent years have the ability to sound an alarm when turned off.

Similarly, you can "trick" your cell phone by programming it to turn on. Since you can't do anything while your phone is off, by programming it to turn on, you can make it turn on by itself a few minutes before your alarm goes off.

One of the phone brands that allows you to program the phone's operation is Xiaomi. If you have a mobile phone from this company, and you also have one of the latest versions of MIUI, you can program the automatic operation by following these steps:

- First of all, you should access the section called “Security”.

- Once you are in, you will have to click on “Battery”.

- There you should select the option “Schedule on/off”.

- Finally, you will have to set the operating time at least 3 minutes before the time you have chosen for the alarm to sound.

This function is also present in Huawei and OPPO phones, and its operation is very similar to that of Xiaomi. Basically, you have to access the section where the battery settings are located, and then program the operation of the mobile phone.

- You don't need to turn off your phone!

If you have an Android phone that doesn't allow you to program the operation by itself, don't despair! Searching for applications in the Google Play Store is completely in vain, since there is no application that allows you to activate this function.

Having said that, currently, mobile phones do not consume any battery when you set an alarm and leave it on. Moreover, starting with Android 10 onwards, a function called “Bedtime” has been included, which adjusts all the phone’s features so that notifications do not keep you awake at night.

Through your mobile phone settings, you can configure the sleep time mode to your liking. When this function is activated, the phone will enter a kind of "standby" mode, which will reduce battery consumption, and will not play notifications (it will only ring when the alarm is activated, or when an important call is received).
