How does artificial intelligence help people with ADHD?

How does artificial intelligence help people with ADHD?

Artificial intelligence is gradually transforming almost every aspect of our lives, but what many people don't know is that it can help those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.

People with this disorder face many daily challenges, such as: difficulty maintaining focus and the inability to manage time effectively, and these are areas in which artificial intelligence can provide exceptional support. Below we will mention the most prominent ways in which artificial intelligence helps patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

1- Time management:

Managing large tasks can be overwhelming for people with ADHD; in such cases, AI can provide support by breaking large tasks down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Apps like TrevorAI allow you to organize your time, breaking down large tasks into smaller, more easily achievable tasks, and another app called Evernote helps you create to-do lists and set reminders to help you manage your time effectively. 

2- Monitoring symptoms:

In addition to managing tasks and time, AI also helps monitor symptoms of the disorder. Tools like Affectiva use machine learning to help monitor an individual’s health. By processing information about daily activities and behaviors, the tool can provide insights into how well an individual is managing ADHD. This type of continuous monitoring allows for the right strategies to be followed in real time and reduce the severity of symptoms.

3- Facilitating prioritization:

For people with ADHD, prioritizing is very difficult, but with AI tools, smart to-do lists can be created that automatically prioritize tasks, some of the most prominent of which are Monday and Jira .

4- Remember all daily tasks:

Difficulty remembering tasks and appointments is one of the most common problems for people with ADHD, and this is where AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri and Google Assistant come in to remind them of everything from taking medications to work meetings and more.

All you have to do is tell the virtual assistant what to remind you of and when, and it will do it at the right time to help you avoid missing important events or deadlines. 

5- Focus and productivity:

Another problem that people with ADHD suffer from is the difficulty of focusing on one thing for a long time. To deal with this problem, you can resort to some artificial intelligence tools such as: Superhuman and Sunsama, which help increase productivity and focus.

6- Medication reminder:

Most people with this disorder need to take certain medications to control symptoms, but they often find it difficult to remember to take the medication on time. To overcome this problem, you can use AI-powered apps such as Healthily to remind you to take your medication on time.


Living with ADHD isn’t easy, but AI can help overcome the daily challenges that sufferers face. Many AI tools can help them organize their time, monitor and manage symptoms, and boost focus and productivity.

In the future, AI will continue to help people with ADHD, improving the tools it uses, and may open new horizons in ways to improve their lives.

Although artificial intelligence offers many benefits for people with ADHD, some doctors warn against relying too much on it, as over-reliance on technology can impair an individual’s problem-solving skills, especially in children and adolescents.
