Before you open any message or link check if the received message is safe using this artificial intelligence

Before you open any message or link check if the received message is safe using this artificial intelligence

Before you open any message or link check if the received message is safe using this artificial intelligence

Surely you have received a suspicious message on your mobile phone, via SMS, on social networks or by email. It may also appear with the name of your bank. In many cases, they will alert you to a security problem, an account error, and will tell you that you must do something immediately to solve it. We will show you a very useful online page where, thanks to artificial intelligence, you can determine if the message you received is dangerous.

It could be a phishing attack, for example, where they will steal your passwords and put your personal data at serious risk. Avoid falling into the trap by recognizing it in time and not clicking on a link or downloading an attachment. This will save you a lot of trouble that could lead to the theft of money, passwords or data.

- Identify fake messages using artificial intelligence

 In this article, we will introduce you to an online tool from F-Secure, a cybersecurity company based in Finland, which has many options for protecting systems and devices. This free online service is very useful and easy to use. The idea is that you can put any message you receive and it will tell you if it is trustworthy or not.

Basically, when you enter the site you will see two fields to fill in: the name, number or email of the sender and the message you received. From there the site will start analyzing if there is a scam behind those SMS. If it sees something strange, it will issue a warning and alert you so that you do not make mistakes.

In most cyber attacks, cybercriminals will ask for something about you. Depending on the type of attack, this can range from simply providing some personal data to downloading and installing a fraudulent application. It will be important to be vigilant, knowing that there may be a scam behind the message. So common sense is key.

So, if you receive a message and suspect it is a scam, we recommend using the F-Secure online tool. You can always tell if a link is dangerous without opening it. The goal should be to stay safe at all times and not make mistakes.

-  F-Secure link
