Avoid these 5 wrong ways to charge your smartphone battery! Information that will increase the life of your phone

Avoid these 5 wrong ways to charge your smartphone battery! Information that will increase the life of your phone

Avoid these 5 wrong ways to charge your smartphone battery! Information that will increase the life of your phone

Avoid these 5 wrong ways to charge your smartphone battery! Information that will increase the life of your phone

Despite the great development that smartphone batteries have reached, which sometimes rival the capacity of laptop batteries, if not exceed it, many phone users still suffer from problems with the sudden decrease in the phone's charging level, which is largely due to a lack of knowledge of the correct ways to charge the phone's battery to keep it in good condition for as long as possible, which is the mother that we will learn about today through this new post in which we will review 5 wrong ways that should be avoided to preserve your smartphone's battery. 

1- Waiting until the battery charge level drops a lot and then charging it to 100% 

This is a recurring habit for most, if not all, smartphone users, but this is exactly the wrong thing, as the lithium batteries that are inside phones should not be completely drained of energy and then recharged to their maximum possible level, which is 100%, because this shortens the battery life. 

2- Charging the phone while it is under the protective cover 

We all know that high temperatures negatively affect the battery and lead to a clear decrease in its efficiency, and the presence of a protective cover for the phone increases the temperature to a large extent, which negatively affects the performance of the battery. Phone companies advise avoiding charging smartphones at high temperatures, so it is preferable to remove the protective cover before charging. 

3- Charging the phone in the wrong places 

Another method that should be avoided is charging anywhere you are without paying attention to the temperature or the capacity of the current entering the phone, as we explained in the previous points that lithium batteries are very sensitive to temperature, so you should pay attention to the place where you charge your smartphone because not paying attention may lead to shortening the battery life due to incorrect use of charging. 

4- Overcharging the phone

is a very common mistake among users as they put their phones on charge before going to sleep and the phone is charged until the next day, which leads to many problems with the battery because lithium batteries generally reach the point of fullness after only about 2-3 hours. If it is overcharged, it will cause its temperature to rise significantly, which shortens the battery life cycle and may lead to its explosion in some cases. 

5- Using chargers without paying attention to their type 

Most smartphones share the fact that they can be charged with the same charger, which prompts users to use any type of charger available to charge the phone battery, and this is wrong because not all chargers are compatible with their phone. 

This is due to the presence of some types of chargers that cut off the power supply to the battery when it reaches 100% full, while there are other types that do not do this. These were the most important things that you should avoid while charging your phone battery to keep it for the longest possible period with the best performance. Share with us in the comments if you have any other tips on charging the phone battery.
