3 Electronic Devices That Should Never Be Unplugged Under Any Circumstances

3 Electronic Devices That Should Never Be Unplugged Under Any Circumstances

3 Electronic Devices That Should Never Be Unplugged Under Any Circumstances

When we are not using certain devices, our first reaction is usually to unplug them to save energy. But there are devices that should not be unplugged from the electrical network before you prefer them from their power button under any circumstances. Unplugging some devices can have negative consequences for both the device and its operation.

Here we explain what these devices are and why it's best to keep them connected.

- Inkjet printers

Inkjet printers may seem like insignificant devices in terms of energy consumption, but unplugging them incorrectly can cause major problems.

Although they are not designed to consume a lot of electricity, the problem arises when they are disconnected from power without being turned off properly.

When you turn off the printer using the On/Off button, the print head is put into sleep mode which protects the printer and reduces ink consumption. However, if you unplug the printer without going through the normal shutdown process, the print head will not be put into this safe mode.

When you turn it back on, the printer assumes that the head has been idle for a long time and performs an intensive cleaning cycle that consumes a large amount of ink. This is not only expensive, but can also reduce the life of the print head.


Other devices that Focus recommends are OLED TVs, which offer superior picture quality and require special care regarding their power supply.

Not only are these modern devices designed to display high definition images, but they also have internal maintenance that is performed while they are in standby mode.

Unplugging your OLED TV can interrupt these maintenance processes, such as pixel refresh, which are essential to maintaining picture quality and preventing damage.

Frequent network disconnections can cause problems such as premature pixel wear or blotches on the screen. To avoid these issues, it is advisable to check the manufacturer's manual to see if it can be turned off using the power button or if it can be disconnected from the power source completely.

- Router 

In addition, when you restart your router, connectivity issues may arise that will require time and effort to resolve. Therefore, it is best to keep it running, especially if you have important devices connected to it.

Finally, routers are essential to keeping us connected to the internet. These devices are designed to be constantly on, providing internet access and connectivity to other devices in the home.

While it may seem like a good idea to turn off your router at night to save energy, this can cause problems if other devices rely on it to function. For example, landlines, answering machines, and smart devices like thermostats may stop working properly if your router is turned off.

In addition, when you restart your router, connectivity issues may arise that will require time and effort to resolve. Therefore, it is best to keep it running, especially if you have important devices connected to it.
