Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

We offer you your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home. If you are constantly using your laptop keyboard, it is more likely to be misused or worn out over time, so you may need to change your laptop keyboard because of a button or some buttons that are not working, but do you have to do this with maintenance specialists? - Unless you are not close to being skilled - No, what you need is to follow the following steps that we will provide you with in our next article to learn how to change your laptop keyboard yourself from home without hassle, just be careful not to mess with something you do not understand if you feel that there are different things, and follow the article to learn what you want.

buy laptop keyboard

Of course, the first step you want to take is to buy a laptop keyboard from the ground up. Where can you buy it? Specifically, buy a keyboard that is suitable for your laptop, suitable for the version, type, size, etc. specifications. Here are the most important sites from which you can buy your laptop keyboard without any problems, so that you can then install your laptop: -

Laptop keyboard

Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

It is one of the sites or stores that you can visit from any region in the world; through it you can find your laptop keyboard without any problem, as the sites enable you to search for the name of the laptop, its version and its series, of course, in order to bring you the appropriate keyboard for your laptop: -

  • Go to the site
  • On the left you will find three menus; laptop brand/series/model.
  • Choose the appropriate one that matches your laptop.
  • Then charge the keyboard anywhere in the world, wherever you are, through the website.

ebay store

Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

The eBay store is one of the global stores through which you can buy anything anywhere at any time, and through it you can search for the appropriate keyboard for your laptop from the eBay store website search box to get the appropriate result or the closest one to the appropriate one for your laptop so that you can install it as we will explain below.

  • Go to eBay
  • Select the electronics section.
  • In the search box, type keyboard and your laptop version.
  • Then you can complete the purchase in the traditional way from eBay.

In any case, you can generally search on Google for the name of your laptop and its specific version to find many stores that offer your laptop keyboard.

How to change your laptop keyboard

Next, we will talk about how to change your laptop keyboard, which will consist of many steps in which you must be careful. Do not mess with something that you feel you will not be able to do correctly. But let us learn next about how to change your laptop keyboard easily:

Your guide to changing your laptop keyboard yourself from home

  • Match the keyboard you purchased to your current laptop keyboard to see if it is the right size.
  • Remove the laptop's charging cable.
  • Then remove the battery from the device (if it is external), or remove it when opening the laptop in the next step.
  • Locate the screws to remove your laptop.
    • Note that most modern devices do not require removing all the screws, but rather rely on two or more screws in the middle of the bottom of the laptop that are connected to the keyboard.
  • Separate the keyboard from the base using a thin, sharp tool, but be careful. Do this carefully so as not to break the base or the keyboard.
  • Be careful before removing the keyboard: There is a cable connected between the laptop and the keyboard that must be removed carefully, using the same tool that you used to separate the keyboard from the base. Lift the piece covering the cable, then carefully and gently remove the cable, and then you can remove the keyboard and separate it from your laptop.
  • After removing the old keyboard, bring the new keyboard and put it in its place, connecting it to the data cable that you just disconnected from the old laptop keyboard.
  • After completing the connection with the data cable, confirm the connection of the keyboard to the laptop by pressing the edges until they are connected to the base.
  • Then put the screws back in place, being careful about the location of each screw. Put the battery back in place if it is internal.
  • After finishing, turn on your laptop to see if the new laptop keyboard is working properly or not.