What should a router be for a two-story house to have a good connection?

What should a router be for a two-story house to have a good connection?

What should a router be for a two-story house to have a good connection?

We can say that the router is an essential piece for connecting to the internet. It is the device to which we connect devices of all kinds, such as computers, mobile phones, home automation... Now, the truth is that routers are not all the same. They do not have the same features, and you will not be able to achieve the same speed or coverage. In this article, we will tell you what your router should be for a two-story house.

Keep in mind that a two-story home is larger and has more obstacles. Therefore, a router that works for a smaller one-story home may not work in this case. It is important to review some basic features to achieve optimal connectivity.

However, the router is not the only thing that matters. That is, you can have the best router, but factors such as location, configuration and the devices you will connect to it will also affect it... You must take all this into account to achieve the optimal connection, with the greatest possible stability.

Wi-Fi 7 has been officially launched

- Use a router with Wi-Fi 6 or later standard, Wi-Fi 7

The first feature you should look at is whether the router has Wi-Fi 6 or, the newer standard, Wi-Fi 7. It offers greater coverage compared to Wi-Fi 5, the latter of which is the version used by somewhat older or lower-end routers. For a two-story home, what matters is getting good coverage.

-  5 reasons why I advise you to change your router to a new router with Wi-Fi 7

Furthermore, it is important that it is dual-band. However, the latter implies a good router, so it is very rare that it is not. This way you can use the 2.4 GHz frequency, which is the frequency that allows the connection to go forward, but also the 5 GHz frequency, which is the frequency that provides the highest speed. You can also opt for tri-band to take advantage of 6 GHz and reduce interference. Models like the ASUS RT-AX57 or ASUS RT-AX5400 are good options.

- Gigabit Ethernet ports

It is also important to have Gigabit Ethernet ports, not just Fast Ethernet. This way, you will be able to do the cabling and connect to other areas of the house well, without problems related to loss of speed. 

With this, you will also be able to use other devices that can boost the signal and are connected via cable. You will avoid speed and performance issues when you have to connect from a long distance.

- Antennas with good coverage

Having a router with good coverage is essential. In this sense, external antennas can be essential. You will also be able to direct them so that the signal reaches certain areas of the house better, where you will connect your devices and thus enjoy greater speed and stability.

However, just because a router has no visible antennas doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any; they’ll be internal. So, check the specs carefully to make sure they’ll allow you to reach a good distance and overcome potential obstacles.

- Use other devices

But not everything will be a router, you will have the option to use other devices. We can use Wi-Fi repeaters, mesh systems, PLC... All these options will allow your network connection to work better, more stable and can cover areas that the router does not reach well.

Of course, it is important to use quality devices. Avoid unreliable devices, as they may limit connectivity and you will not have a really good Wi-Fi network in your multi-story home.

In short, if you have a multi-story house and need internet connection on all floors, it is important to check your router. You can also use other devices to boost the signal.

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