Update AMD graphics card driver officially

Update AMD graphics card driver officially

In this article, we talk about how to update the AMD graphics card driver in the official way. In general, before we start, you should know that updating any program on the computer usually comes to change something, not just an empty update that does nothing.

Updating any program to the latest version means security if the update includes closing loopholes to protect your data, and it means stability if the program does not work well on a specific version of Windows , such as most programs after the launch of Windows 10 , as many programs suffered from incompatibility with this new version of Windows, and it also means a better experience, as some updates come to add new features and improve the user interface to make use easier. 

These changes occur with any update, whether for programs or for the Windows system itself, as well as the definitions of computer components.

In this article, I want to review with you an explanation of more than one way through which you can update the graphics card driver on your computer if it is of the AMD type  , because obtaining the latest update of the graphics card driver increases the effectiveness and performance of the graphics card. So let's start directly by learning about the available methods.

AMD graphics card driver update:

The first method does not require many steps, but it is very easy. 

All you have to do to update the AMD graphics card driver is to first make sure that you have installed the original driver for the card according to what you have on the device, then right-click anywhere empty on the desktop, and click on the AMD Radeon Settings option, to show you a window for the graphics card settings, through which you will click on the Update button in the bottom bar, then click on the Check For Updates button and wait a little. 

If it appears to you that there is a new update as shown in the image above, click on it and then choose Install, to download the update files, then start the process of installing the new update, and if you do not find anything that has appeared, this means that the card does not have a new update yet.

The second method is to use the AMD Driver Autodetect tool, which you can download from the official AMD website

It is a tool that identifies the type and model of the graphics card in your computer and checks for updates for it, and installs them automatically and easily. 

It is not only for updating the card, but also for searching for the appropriate definition for the graphics card if you cannot find it.

After downloading the tool, install it in the normal way, and once you run it, a scan will be performed immediately. 

After that, the tool will show you the appropriate definition for your graphics card, so click on the specified definition, to be taken to another list.

In this menu, you choose either Express Install or Custom Install. If you click on the first option, the tool will start downloading and installing the new driver or update immediately without any user intervention. 

However, if you click on the Custom Install button, the following window will appear after downloading the files required to install the driver.

This list will determine what you want to install, and I advise you not to select anything except AMD Display Driver and AMD Settings, because they are the most important for the graphics card here and so that additional programs are not installed by the company that you do not need, then you can now either press the Clean Install button to delete any previous definitions to perform a clean installation, or Install to install the definition while keeping the old definition files to return to it in case of problems. 

After the definition is finished installing, you will have updated the  AMD graphics card definition with the latest and best definition that suits it.
