To help students The best artificial intelligence applications for education

To help students The best artificial intelligence applications for education

To help students The best artificial intelligence applications for education

As the world advances and technology becomes more widespread in everyday life, artificial intelligence is already being widely used in education.

Whether hated or loved, AI is being integrated into the sector, both outside and inside the classroom.

Recent surveys indicate that 96% of college students say they use   ChatGPT  to complete their homework.

Aside from ChatGPT, which is used by millions of people for a variety of reasons, AI applications for education aim to have positive impacts on the way people learn and have been developed for this very reason.

Below are five of the best AI apps for education, including languages ​​and math.

Natulang app

With learning a new language limited to expensive private lessons or group classes at school, Natulang aims to make it easier with its AI tutor. 

The app does everything by voice, so users spend most of their time talking to their devices, which is key to mastering any language. 

This application gives you the opportunity to learn Spanish, French or German, and it relies on speech synthesis and recognition, as the artificial intelligence teacher asks you to pronounce sentences out loud, then corrects and asks you to try again if you are wrong.

This app is currently only available on iOS.

Socratic App

Learn better, is the motto behind Google's Socratic AI app, which targets those situations where teachers or parents aren't available to help so students can make progress in their education on their own time.

The app allows users to ask for help with anything they are confused about by either taking a picture of a confusing account or question or expressing it.

You will find the best resources available online, along with study guides, videos, and step-by-step explanations created by experts. 

It does this quickly using artificial intelligence to accurately predict which concepts will help the student understand better, and speech and text recognition works with all materials.


Unlike other tools that work across different subjects, AI:R MATH is specialized in mathematics. 

The app promotes solving instant math problems in 3 seconds, after entering a picture of a difficult question or calculation. 

The image is scanned using AI learning technology and is said to be able to recognize almost anything, from simple equations to word problems. 

If the AI ​​can't solve it, the equation is then passed on to experts located around the world and available 24/7. 

Owlift App

This app aims to simplify any topics and concepts, and uses an AI model created by OpenAI, which will explain any topic presented to it with different levels of proficiency. 

This app also helps in introducing other AI elements such as career idea generator, job interview preparation, and letter writing.

Quillbot App

It is a platform with eight built-in AI tools that help in writing using AI. 

The app is described as an AI that writes with you, not for you. Instead of replacing words and entire sentences, Quillbot improves what's already written to improve phrasing.
