Three Android Apps to Detect Spy Cameras Anywhere Before You Get Scanned


Three Android Apps to Detect Spy Cameras Anywhere Before You Get Scanned

Three Android Apps to Detect Spy Cameras Anywhere Before You Get Scanned

The fear of falling into the trap of some unscrupulous people who plant spy cameras in places where we cannot see them is growing significantly, especially in our current time when this phenomenon has spread,  and the development of technology has helped them in it   , so we have begun to see small cameras that can be planted anywhere without  anyone noticing them , and in order to protect yourself from these cameras in places that you may visit, such as hotels, for example, and toilets where this phenomenon is common, I will suggest three applications for Android, you turn on the camera and after directing it to a specific place, if you see a small light in the form of a flash, this means that a spy camera has been planted in the place.

1--Glint Finder - Camera Detector

It is the most famous application in this field and the way to use it is very easy, as it is enough to install it on your phone and open it, and you will see that it has opened the camera of your phone, and then point the latter to any place , and if you see a flashing light coming from the place you pointed it to, this means that there is a camera spying on you.

--  Hidden camera

This application depends on three things to detect spy cameras, the first is the radiation detector, then the magnetic sensors in your mobile phone, then the infrared rays, and it is one of the options that you can rely on after the first application. 

-- Hidden camera detector


A little-known application , but it will help you detect spy cameras in the place you are in. It also uses your phone's camera to detect the spy camera, and when you see a flashing light, this means that a specific camera has been hidden in the place. The experiment was conducted on a camera that I have.
