This is how an underfloor heating system works that cools your home in the summer, warms it in the winter and saves energy

This is how an underfloor heating system works that cools your home in the summer, warms it in the winter and saves energy.

It may be common to talk about underfloor heating to keep the house warmer in winter, but it can also be used in summer. We will tell you how it works and explain some of the advantages so that you can analyze whether you are interested or not. We will also focus on the energy saving section, to see if it can be an alternative to air conditioning and other appliances that we use in summer to cool the house.

This is how an underfloor heating system works that cools your home in the summer, warms it in the winter and saves energy

It is an underground system, so it is usually installed when a new house is built or a major renovation is done. There are multiple pipes through which the water is distributed and this allows the temperature of the house to be adjusted. In the case of summer, fresh water will circulate and thus be able to cool down.

All these pipes will be connected to a generator that will be responsible for heating or cooling the water in this case. From there it will be distributed through all the pipes that will be underground and thus be able to cool the environment from below or vice versa depending on the hot summer or cold winter. You will have regulators, as well as thermometers to be able to adjust the temperature as needed.

This does not mean that very cold water is constantly passing through. In fact, it is usually around 17-19 degrees. This is enough to lower the temperature in the house, which would otherwise be a few degrees higher. We have already said on more than one occasion that having a temperature of 24-25 degrees in the summer is more than enough for a good rest.

Without going into the energy issue yet, underfloor heating has certain advantages over other options. For example, you will be able to better distribute the temperature you are interested in throughout the house. There will be no colder and hotter areas as would happen if you put the air conditioner in one room, where it does not reach the others well.

Another obvious advantage is that there is no moving air. In fact, using the air conditioner too powerfully in the summer can be a health problem. In the case of the underfloor heating system, we avoid that problem. For the same reason, there are no annoying noises that can make you uncomfortable while sleeping or working.

- Can underfloor heating help you save on your bill? 

Here, as in everything, you have to analyze it well. The first thing is that it is part of a significant economic investment. It is much more expensive than just buying and installing an air conditioner. However, the price will vary depending on the size of the house and the difficulty of installation.

We can say that in the long run it will be an energy saving option. It is estimated that in general it represents a saving of about 20% compared to air conditioning, which is the most common. You should take this figure a little with tweezers, because the range can be wide. A very old air conditioner is not the same as the most modern and efficient one. Also, not all underfloor heating is the same.

- Is it worth the investment?

It depends on each case. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, where in winter you will have to use heating and air conditioning in summer, this can undoubtedly be a good solution, since you will use it in both cold and hot months. But of course, a house where you only use one air conditioner, and also intermittently, is not the same as another house where you have several air conditioners and use them all the time. The same with underfloor heating.

We can really say that it is a good way to cool the house in the summer, but you have to take into account the initial investment, basically, as well as the maintenance required to make everything work perfectly in the long run. But yes, it can mean interesting savings in many cases.
