Steve Jobs changed his cars every half year

Steve Jobs changed his cars every half year, but he always bought the same Mercedes.. The secret is in the recording

Steve Jobs was not just another person. The Apple founder was known for being a visionary and had a very particular personality, just like his habits. Famous examples include wearing the same clothes every day or following a strict diet of carrots and apples for weeks.

Steve Jobs changed his cars every half year

Another curiosity of Steve Jobs was his car, a $120,000 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class. The wealthy owning luxury cars is nothing new. While most of us might not think twice about changing our car for a while, the longer the better, celebrities usually don’t hesitate when it comes to buying another car.

But Steve Jobs changed his Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG every half year. What car did you buy next? Well, another Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG. You may not find an explanation right away, but it makes perfect sense in the world.

To be honest, it's not that Steve Jobs never changed his clothes, but it was a practical matter: if he always had the same styles of jackets, pants and shirts, he wouldn't have to waste time every morning thinking about what to wear.

According to him, this relieved his mental fatigue associated with decision-making. In this way, he moved from making trivial decisions to keeping himself active for more important tasks. Well, something similar happened to him with his car: the model chosen was a luxury sports car from the German company... which was replaced six months later by an identical one.

The reason for this replacement is not just coincidental, but is directly related to the legislation in force at the time in California. Under this regulation, new vehicles could drive on public roads without registration for six months. In this way, Steve Jobs drove his car without a license plate, a way to preserve his privacy.

After that period, the change was implemented. To speed up the process, the Apple founder reached an agreement with his agent to do this process every six months. Steve Jobs was a person who was jealous of his privacy, which is why he avoided using his name on documents such as patents, but also on his car registration.

Obviously, changing cars every half year is not a process available to everyone, but it was available to Steve Jobs. In fact, when Jobs died, his inheritance exceeded $ 10 billion. This wealth went mainly to his widow.
