Microsoft Updates Clipchamp With Two New AI Features


Microsoft Updates Clipchamp With Two New AI Features

Microsoft Updates Clipchamp With Two New AI Features

Microsoft released two new AI-powered capabilities for its Clipchamp video editor on Thursday. 

These tools will help users improve the effectiveness and originality of their video material.   

The Microsoft Clipchamp team announced in a blog post on Thursday that they are integrating two AI-powered editing tools—noise reduction and picture background removal—into the program.

Let us examine these two recent additions:

Suppression of Noise

The first function, noise suppression, helps you cut down on distracting background noise in your audio or video recordings, like a faint hum or harsh sound, while maintaining the clarity and quality of your speech.

A wonderful video can be ruined by poor audio. Noise suppression can be used to block out distracting sounds, whether they are loud or subtle, without affecting the clarity of your voice. The Microsoft Clipchamp team stated on their blog that "you may now salvage audio taken on a busy street, at home with the kids in the background, or even in cyclonic winds."

advantage the Clipchamp video editor, upload your noisy audio, click the Audio icon in the property panel, and choose the "Noise suppression" tool to make advantage of this functionality. Next, turn on the Noise Suppression option to get a clear voice recording by automatically cutting out background noise.

As of right now, audio files can be used with noise reduction. You can separate the audio and video files in order to enable noise suppression for video.

Elimination of Image Background

An additional function is the ability to eliminate an image's background, producing an effect akin to a green screen. You may help your viewers concentrate on your content by eliminating the crowded background from your photographs with a few simple clicks.

You may use this by right-clicking on any image and choosing "Remove background." You can create a whole new look by replacing the present background with any image or video of your choosing behind your photograph. To make your own stickers, you can also use the image background removal tool on pictures that have things in the foreground.

Noise reduction and picture backdrop removal are two AI-based editing capabilities that are now being made available to Clipchamp users with personal and business accounts as a free update.
